Blood in stool after anal sex?

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Blood in stool after anal sex?

Unread post by Jellowl »

My boyfriend and I were playing around with some minor anal sex; he only used one finger in my anus when we were fooling around. He was going fast and all, but it was what we normally do when we do this. He stopped when he pulled out and saw red blood on his finger. To put an image to it, it looked like the start if my period but it was not; it was coming from my anus. We stopped right away and now I'm a little freaked out. I don't feel any pain from it or any uncomfortable feelings, but I am still very scared about it. I passed a small sized stool and saw flakes of red blood in it, something that had never happened to me before. When I wipe, it's not dark red or anything, more like a light red or pinkish colour. Also, it doesn't leak out in a stream or anything, so I guess that's a good sign. There is also no visible sign of trauma around the anus.

But still, I am very nervous about this. Is this an issue that needs medical attention? Or do you think this could clear up naturally?
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Re: Blood in stool after anal sex?

Unread post by Heather »

This isn't uncommon, especially if and when people aren't using enough lube, haven't really manicured their fingers or aren't using a glove, are being too aggressive given the delicate tissue of the anus and rectum, or all of the above.

You want to do what you can to avoid this, particularly since fissures can be painful but also increase infection risks, but so long as you give this area of your body a break while you heal, and keep it clean in the interim, you should be fine.
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