What to do with the semen?

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What to do with the semen?

Unread post by Jellowl »

I've always thought about this when it comes to anal sex; if a guy were to ejaculate inside the person's rectum, what happens to the semen? Does it just drip out over time, come out all at once, come out with defecation, stay in and get absorbed? And assume the receiver is on a reliable form of birth control (The pill or something), how high is the pregnancy risks? Also, are there any health risks associated with ejaculating in the rectum- assuming both partners are tested negative for STIs- like infection or irritation?

Thanks for any answer you can provide, this has been stuck in my head for a while :)
Sam W
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Re: What to do with the semen?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Jellowl,

If ejaculation occurs, semen will usually seep out over the next little while (or, if someone goes to the bathroom shortly after anal sex, it will come out then). The primary risk from ejaculation during anal sex is STIs, although anal sex in general carries a greater risk of bacterial infections, something that using a condom can help decrease. You can read more about why that is here: Anal Sex Lowdown

As far as pregnancy risk, if someone us using a reliable contraceptive the risk is extremely small.
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