Menstrual cycle + Pregnancy

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Menstrual cycle + Pregnancy

Unread post by fijianislander »

I really need help. I was on the emergency morning after pill for very long I took it like a regular pill which I regret doing bcus I don’t know what’s wrong with my body. I took this monthly every time so I’d be done with having sex but I’d have to get it done after within 3 days so I don’t get pregnant. I stopped thou and when I did I had sex again was going to get the patch instead but I had an family emergency so I missed my appointment for it and didn’t take any pill. Been having sex normally for 4/5 months straight I haven’t been pregnant. I’ve been on my period every month since then. But only this one month I had my period twice. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I know that my menstrual cycle is messed up but could it be possible that I can’t get pregnant?
Alice O
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Re: Menstrual cycle + Pregnancy

Unread post by Alice O »

Hey fijianislander,

Welcome to the boards :)

I want to make sure I am understanding you correctly! Sounds like you have been having intercourse regularly for the past 4-5 months, and after each time having sex you would take emergency contraception (EC). Is that right? If I have misunderstood, can you explain again how often you have been having intercourse and how often you have been taking EC? I am also wondering, what is the name of the EC have you been using?

It is important to note: emergency contraception is not meant for regular use. Our piece on EC explains, "One critical difference between EC and other contraceptives is that it is NOT meant to be used as an ongoing or sole's also not as effective as other methods of contraception. It contains a substantially higher dose of hormones than other hormonal methods, and is not designed for, nor has been studied for, regular use. Too, because it is a big dose of hormones all at once, ongoing side effects for most women would be pretty unmanageable: Plan B often makes many women very nauseated -- plenty to the point of vomiting -- it often causes unpredictable bleeding and periods for a little while after use, and can result in some killer headaches for some women."

So it makes sense that your periods have been irregular, due to the big doses of hormones your body is managing. Given that emergency contraception is not a good choice for ongoing birth control, it's time for you to find one or more other birth control options. It sounds like the patch is one form you are interested in. Have you made another appointment for that? There are a bunch of other effective options out there as well--have you thought about an IUD? That is actually even more effective than the patch. You can learn more about these different options here: Birth Control Bingo!

Until you are able to get the patch, an IUD, or something like that: condoms are your best bet. Do you know how to go about getting ahold of condoms?

Finally, I want to clarify: was your last question about worrying that you are infertile?
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Re: Menstrual cycle + Pregnancy

Unread post by fijianislander »

Hello! Thankyou so much :D

No so I’ll explain a bit better now, hope this helps out what I’m trying to say, okay so I was with a guy for 7/8 months.

So with 3 months I was taking EC at a pharmacy in a contraception clinic room. Everytime I had intercourse I would go there and take the EC. The EC I was given was Levonelle. So when I was going for like the 8th time I think to get the EC the man said I can’t let you have it because you’ve been taking so much so we need to take another route for you so thats when he helped get a patch made an appointment but couldn’t make it.

Then I had intercourse again (I know no good) and didn’t take the pill I was having intercourses within 4/5 months without taking any EC and I was on my period every month like it would come too early or late. I have no idea what’s happening here I can have intercourse take no EC and won’t get pregnant. This has been happening for 4/5 months. Yes that’s right I am worried I am infertile. Yes I do now know how to get a hold of condoms thankyou <3
Sam W
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Re: Menstrual cycle + Pregnancy

Unread post by Sam W »

Thank you for clarifying! We can't know what's causing you to have two periods in one month, as there are multiple factors that could influence your menstrual cycle (including EC for awhile after you last took it). If the multiple periods per month become a regular thing, then you should check in with a healthcare provider to see if there are any underlying factors. We also can't say whether you're infertile, as that's something only a healthcare provider can diagnose.

Since it sounds like pregnancy is not something you currently want, can I ask why you have not been using condoms during the time you weren't using EC or the patch? Too, have you have a chance to make a new appointment to get the patch, since it was something you wanted? And are you and your partner up to date on your STI tests?
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