Sexual health worry

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Sexual health worry

Unread post by Car123 »

Around 8 months ago I was told that I had chlamidya. Around this time I was also experiencing a severely bad headache that cleared after I finished my course of antibiotics. A month or so after taking the medication I had a full test and came back clear for everything. I recently had another chlamidya test and came back clear. I began researching stds online as I'm pretty convinced my headache was to do with my sexual health, can chlamidya cause headaches or is it potentially something more worrying? I had a full STD check roughly two months after the unprotected sex and everything came back clear.
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Re: Sexual health worry

Unread post by Car123 »

Car123 wrote:Around 8 months ago I was told that I had chlamidya. Around this time I was also experiencing a severely bad headache that cleared after I finished my course of antibiotics. A month or so after taking the medication I had a full test and came back clear for everything. I recently had another chlamidya test and came back clear. I began researching stds online as I'm pretty convinced my headache was to do with my sexual health, can chlamidya cause headaches or is it potentially something more worrying? I had a full STD check roughly two months after the unprotected sex and everything came back clear.
Sam W
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Re: Sexual health worry

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Car123,

Headaches aren't one of the more common symptoms of Chlamydia, but there's no way for us to know if it was the cause of the headache you experienced (after all, every body reacts a little differently to an illness). Unless the headache is a recurring issue or getting worse, it's unlikely to be cause for concern.
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Re: Sexual health worry

Unread post by Car123 »

Hi thanks for the reply, so you don't think the headache could have been an indication of any other STD ? I think I'm just over thinking as the chlamidya came as a shock. The last full STD test I had came back clear and it was roughly two months after unprotected sex
Sam W
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Re: Sexual health worry

Unread post by Sam W »

You're welcome! A few of STIs can sometimes mimic flu or cold symptoms like headaches, but those would most likely have been caught on your tests. Too, since it sounds like the headache was a one time thing, it's unlikely to be an indicator of something ongoing.

Since it sounds like you have some concerns about STIs from unprotected sex, do you have the barrier methods (like condoms) that you need in order to avoid scares like this in the future?
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Re: Sexual health worry

Unread post by Car123 »


No no after my scare with chlamidya I always use protection. I am still extremely paranoid though that something may be wrong,not sure if it is just worry or if it's worth getting checked again
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Re: Sexual health worry

Unread post by Heather »

If you have always been using condoms, you having contracted Chlamydia again is highly unlikely. It's up to you how often you get tested for STIs, including that one, but most people don't need to more than once a year, unless they have had several partners in that year, and/or have added new partners more often than yearly or less, or have been having unprotected sex.
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