Late ovulation

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Late ovulation

Unread post by olealis »

Ever since I started having sex, my menstrual cycle is regular, 27 days with ovulation on a day 13. I also have tender breasts for about 5 days before my period is due. But last month, my ovulation came a day later than usual, and so did my cycle. This month, I'm quite sure I ovulated 3 days later (that's when I had EWCM) and my period is 2 days late. I also didn't experience breast tenderness. We did have unprotected sex a week after my ovulation, but he didn't ejaculate inside me. I've also been under a lot of stress lately, so now I'm not sure if later ovulation means later period, or is it due to stress/pregnancy.
Thank you in advance.
Sam W
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Re: Late ovulation

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Olealis,

We can't say for certain what might be causing the changes in your cycle, but we do know that at least a little variation from month to month is normal. With you period, a two days is not technically considered "late", since it's not unusual for a period to arrive a few days later or earlier than expected. Too, can you give me a sense of how you're tracking your cycle, since some methods provide more accurate information that others?

If you continue to have pregnancy worries, this article can guide you through next steps: The Pregnancy Panic Companion . Are you comfortable only using withdrawal (pulling out) as you main birth control method?
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Re: Late ovulation

Unread post by olealis »

Thank you for answering!
I'm using an Android app called Menstrual Calendar and I'm keeping track of my cervical mucus on my fertile days. Also, we're mostly using condoms as a form of protection. We used withdrawal a couple of times, but always at least a week after I ovulated (since my cycle was regular up until last month). Though I think we'll have to stop, since it's becoming stressful for me.
Sam W
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Re: Late ovulation

Unread post by Sam W »

You're welcome! If you're interested in learning more about the ins and outs of tracking your cycle, this article is a great resource: Get With the Flow: All About FAM . It sounds like using a condom for every interaction would be a good choice, especially if you think it will decrease your stress. Since there's been some unprotected contact, are you and your partner up to date on your STI tests?
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Re: Late ovulation

Unread post by olealis »

Thank you, I'll definitely check it out. My boyfriend had his tests taken when we began dating (he's clean) and he's my first sexual partner. Just one more question, is it possible that my period is later than usual because I ovulated later?
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Re: Late ovulation

Unread post by Alice O »

Hi olealis,

From my understanding, yes that would make sense.

But also remember that your period is not technically "late" yet. A period is only considered late if it is has not arrived 5 days after the latest it is expected.

Here is more on late periods: M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period?.
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Re: Late ovulation

Unread post by olealis »

Thank you!
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