Plan b effects

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Plan b effects

Unread post by Tassha1223 »

Hi so I’m on birth control pills, I take them at the same time every day which is 7:30pm.
Last Friday at 11-11:30pm I threw up several times and was scared my protection would be compromised so used a condom the next day, which broke so I decided to take precaution and take plan b pill a few minutes after that, that was day 18 of my pill. On day 19 in the morning I completely forgot about the events the night before and had sex without a condom, worried that that act might affect the plan b pill, I took another one. So essentially I took two plan b pills two days in a row which I know isn’t good but it’s okay to do. My question is, when can I expect my withdrawal bleed cause I know that one pill can mess up the cycle ur in but the next should be normal, but with two pills I’m not quite sure. Can anyone shed some light on this situation?
Sam W
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Re: Plan b effects

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Tassha,

So, the tricky thing is that there is no way for us to predict the exact way plan B will effect your cycle. You're basically just going to need to be patient and see how things turn out. It sounds like some of the information in this article may also be helpful to you right now: Emergency Contraception (Plan B or the Morning-After-Pill)

It may also help to know for the future that it takes the pill 2-3 hours to fully absorb into your system. So if you throw up more than 2-3 hours after taking the pill, you can assume the pill's effectiveness won't be decreased.
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Re: Plan b effects

Unread post by Tassha1223 »

Okay thank you! Do you think with this amount of protection I should still take a pregnancy test? Or worry about pregnancy?
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Re: Plan b effects

Unread post by Heather »

We're never going to tell anyone to worry over anything being worrying about something offers no benefits whatsoever. It doesn't do anything positive for anyone. It just creates stress.

The general advice after using Plan B is to take it, and then if your period doesn't arrive as expected, to take a pregnancy test. Someone with irregular periods may want to take a test just out of course, and if so, the earliest they will want to do that to assure an accurate test is to wait until around two weeks after their risk occurred.
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