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Unread post by Ab231293 »

Recently I've started not feeling anything during sex. My partner feels alot of wetness inside me and even he can't get satisfied with me. A year ago I had urine infection it all started after that. Can you please help me out?
scarleteen founder & director
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Re: Sex

Unread post by Heather »

How are you feeling before sex? Or, if this is just about intercourse, how do other kinds of sex - like oral sex, for example - feel for you?

How is the relationship on the whole? Is it healthy and happy? Per the sexual part of it, are you both still feeling strongly attracted to each other and excited about sex together?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: Sex

Unread post by Ab231293 »

Yes. Everything is pretty normal. I get the orgasm as well but not inside the vagina. Inside my vagina I can't feel anything. It's like all numb. The amount of water is very much that my partner can't cum inside me.
scarleteen founder & director
Posts: 9843
Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:43 am
Age: 54
Awesomeness Quotient: I have been a sex educator for over 25 years!
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Sexual identity: queery-queer-queer
Location: Chicago

Re: Sex

Unread post by Heather »

I suspect some of this may be about language and translation issues, but just so you know, orgasm is something that happens in the brain and central nervous system, not the vagina. We will often feel whole-body effects from orgasm, but it's not actually something genital that happens.

Too, being lubricated won't make it so that people don't have sensation with sexual activities. And much of the vagina -- especially towards the back -- doesn't actually have many sensory nerve endings, so it's not actually unusual not to feel a lot going on vaginally with some kinds of sex (like intercourse).

It sounds like you two are having issues only with intercourse, and they may not be the same issues, or they might not be as physical as you think. For instance, if your partner is telling you negative things or expressing dissatisfaction during intercourse, it wouldn't be surprising if you're getting turned off and so you're not feeling a lot. Very often, in otherwise healthy young people, issues like these with any kind of sex are more psychological than physical, or about expectations that aren't sound, like the idea everyone enjoys and feels satisfied with intercourse as an activity in the first place.

But it's always a good idea to check for a healthcare issues first. If you are having way more fluid discharge than usual, for instance, it may be you have a bacterial infection, which can also change how things feel. How about checking in with a healthcare provider, and then popping back here afterwards? If nothing is wrong, we can talk about the other possibilities and things you can do about them from there.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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