need an answer ASAP please

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need an answer ASAP please

Unread post by kyeomifools »

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend yesterday and i took the pill (9pm) but i threw up around 10:45pm so I took another pill at around 11pm. My boyfriend ejaculated inside and I’m sure I’m protected yesterday but my pack ends tomorrow (Sunday) and since I took 2 pills last night (Friday) I only have one more pill until today. Should I take a pill from a new pack or I will be safe even if I don’t take the last pill?
Sam W
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Re: need an answer ASAP please

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi kyeomifools,

I believe you continue taking the pack as normal, however my recommendation is that you call your pharmacist and ask them how you should proceed.

Since unprotected sex occurred, I do want to check: are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: need an answer ASAP please

Unread post by kyeomifools »

Thanks for responding! By continuing with the pack as normal, you mean it’s all right if I miss the pill for tomorrow since I already took it (because I threw up one and had to take another)?
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Re: need an answer ASAP please

Unread post by kyeomifools »

Sam W wrote:Hi kyeomifools,

I believe you continue taking the pack as normal, however my recommendation is that you call your pharmacist and ask them how you should proceed.

Since unprotected sex occurred, I do want to check: are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing?
Thanks for responding! By continuing with the pack as normal, you mean it’s all right if I miss the pill for tomorrow since I already took it (because I threw up one and had to take another)?
Alice M
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Re: need an answer ASAP please

Unread post by Alice M »


As Sam said, it may be best for you to contact your pharmacist or doctor to be sure. Continuing the pill as normal sounds about right, but that could depend on which pill it is and since we are not doctors, we don't know exactly the best course of action for each type of pill.
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