Can i drink my own cum?

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Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett,
This is nice website ..i can talk freely in this website and i can ask questions woow!... Actually i like to eat my own cum after masterbation because it has bunch of ingredients .. actually i ate my cum two times...i don't think that i hv sti or std because i don't feel anything serious to my health till now . i am virgin boy .
My question is
1) can i eat my own cum ?because i heard that cum is good for our health
2) tell me the how semen pass in our body after eat?
3) thats very important for me... actually before 3 years ago actually I feel pain little my one knee( i drink my semen may be before 3 to 4 month ago)..i went to doctor regarding this doctor told me that small part (about 2 mm)near my knee is damaged (that damage part not increase like virus )thats why i feel pain..but it was 3 years i dont feel pain that muchh...pain so small now..and sometimes i dont feel my QUESTION is that "IS IT OKAY TO DRINK MY OWN SEMEN AFTER THIS?" i start to drink my semen just 4 month ago...So can i still drink my semen ?... please reply fast because i don't want to waste my has so much value
Thanks you waiting for your reply
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Heather »

Semen doesn't have any health benefits, but it also isn't harmful to taste or ingest your own. It goes through your digestive system just like anything else you eat or drink.
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Pan »

Thanks for reply.. actually i do search on google and they told that semen have many ingredients like vitamins and many more..but you say semen doesn't hv any health benefits is really surprising me!..i ever read that Drinking semen is good for stress removing it true?...

If semen doesn't have any health benefits than i will not drink my own all i read on google is myth?
Please reply and clear regarding to this topic
I trust you but want little bit more clarification specially on "SEMEN IS GOOD FOR HEALTH BENEFITS OR NOT?"
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Siân »

Hi Pan,

Heather has already answered that question Pan, they said that there are no health benefits to ingesting semen. There is a lot of information online, and a lot of misinformation too.

It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between what information online is reliable and what is not, you might like to read through this: Literacy Is Power: How To Get Yourself a Kick-Butt BS Detector what do you think?
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Heather »

Here's a good, simple breakdown of this, if you'd like one:

Understand, too, that something having (and in this case, trace) vitamins or minerals in it doesn't mean there's enough of them for those vitamins to really do anything for you. If you're concerned about nutrition, eating whole, healthy meals or drinking things like fresh vegetable juices would be much better choices.
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Pan »

Thanks...heather and your team
You solve my so many mis leading information
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Pan »

Thanks scarlet for your reply ,
After reading your links Now i understand about semen ..thanks for that..but you haven't answer my most important question which was 3rd question in above post (i really mean and worry about that) i edit that question again as below

3)thats very important for me... actually before 3 years ago I feel pain little my one knee..i went to doctor regarding this doctor told me that small part (about 2 mm) inside my knee is damaged (damage part not increase like virus )(Doctor took MRI of my that knee than he told me like above)thats why i feel pain..but it was 3 years i dont feel pain that muchh...pain so small now..and sometimes i dont feel my QUESTION is that

"Is it have any negative affect when i will give my semen to my future female partner because of that damage part in my one knee or so if i drink my own semen?"

If you have any questions regarding to please ask me
Thanks you waiting for your reply
Love you Scarlett
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Pan,

If you're asking if having knee pain will create negative effects when you ejaculate inside a partner, the answer is no. The same answer applies to consuming your own semen. Really, the potential effects of semen are things like STIs, co-creating a pregnancy, or an allergic reaction (some people are allergic to semen), and none of those effects are made more or less likely by an injury elsewhere in your body. Does that help clarify things?
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Pan »

Yes...sam w(scarlet) i am not worry about semen ejaculation into partner vagina specially dur to injury
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Re: Can i drink my own cum?

Unread post by Siân »

You're welcome
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