Curious to know

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Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett..
I am male...does not have any real physical sexual experience yet...just curious to know about safer sex and various birth control techniques during intercourse and what should i take care for safer sex?
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

And another things...what is best time for sex with girl when she has period?.. actually i do not know when i should do sex with female after period or before period ??..and please give me advice on "SEX AND PERIOD"..i am single...i can not discuss this things to anyone...
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Sorry i forgot this ...what is plan B??
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Pan,

We have a few articles which answer your different questions. I'm going to put them here.

Birth Control Bingo!
Particularly these sections: Emergency Contraception (Plan B) and Fertility Awareness (FAM)

On the Rag: A Guide to Menstruation
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Great article!!..its very informative thanks for that..i read about period cycle that article it mentioned period happened in three phase in second phase ovulation occurred so if i am not wrong i should avoid sex at that time if i do not make girl pragnat (don't lock me...i just only describing)... period is about average 28 days cycle can we divide that 28 days by 3?(because period happened in 3 phase...and if not can you tell me how many days that three phase take??..)..
Still one question.. Period means liquid (blood..unfertilised egg..etc..etc) comes out from girl pussy. in 28 days only one times period comes out from pussy??..or that period comes out 3 times in 28 days(because period happens in 3 phase)?....or more than 3 times or any other liquid (not period) comes from pussy?
One question...can girl tell when this 3 phase start in 28 days cycle(like now its first phase of period.. after some days she can tell now this is second phase...etc..etc)

Can girl tell that on that day ovulation will occur into her body?? Or only doctor can tell this about girls ovulation??

I am not girl..just curious about to know this things
Thanks always
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Pan,

Just a note - 'Vagina' is a better term than 'pussy' for somewhere like here. More scientific, less porny!

A period is when someone bleeds as a result of the menstrual cycle. What comes out is actually the thickened walls of the uterus, which grow and fall away every cycle.

Judging fertility is actually quite difficult. It isn't easy for someone to know when they are ovulating or to know when they are soon to ovulate.

If you have a partner who wants to track their cycle this is their choice but probably not something you should plan for.

This is why it's a far better idea to understand birth control you can use, i.e. Condoms

Of course you can use condoms with other methods, but most of those will be the choice of your partner and something you can discuss together.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Thanks..this site is wonderful ( i really mean it from my bottom of my heart!!)
Anyway...i haven't engaged any physical sexual activity i just want to should i lick girl vagina in proper way?..i saw many porn regarding to this..but i do not want to use porn to apply this type of sexual if you have any proper technique regarding to lick vagina than please tell me?.. should i lick outer side of vagina or inside of vagina?..

And another question...period always comes out from vagina in regular cycle so it is very much chances of getting infection or virus from mouth to vagina direct contact am i right?? suppose if i still want to lick vagina than how should my female partner should take care of her vagina??...i really want to know this so i can give her proper guidance regarding to keep her vagina clean...and so we can enjoy vagina licking?..

And suppose if girl getting period than after how many days i can lick her vagina ?or before getting period can i lick her vagina or should i avoid this things??( I really care about my and my partner health)
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Pan,

When it comes to performing oral sex on someone with a vagina, how you do it depends on the person and what they find pleasurable. That involves the two of you communicating before, after, and during that activity and being willing to experiment a little. Often oral sex focuses on the outer parts of the genitals, mostly because the average human tongue isn't really long enough to do much if it's inserted into the vaginal canal. You can find out a bunch more on oral sex here: Mouthing Off on Oral Sex

Oral sex is often considered to have a lower chance of STI transmission than things like vaginal sex, but when a person is on their period that risk increases because there is contact with blood. You can read more about that here: ... rual_blood. But, the simplest way to avoid transmission of STIs during oral sex on a vagina is to use a dental dam, which you can learn more about here: All the Barriers! All the Time!. If you use a dental dam, you can have oral sex at any time you both want it.

In terms of keeping clean, the vagina is actually self-cleaning, although it's also recommended that people wash the outside gently with warm water. However, it isn't really on you to teach a partner how to do that; it's her body, and odds are she's figured out how to care for it just fine.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett.
So what do you mean by when people saying thats girls vagina is so tight? it really tight?..or myth??..what logic behind in it?
Thanks to you always!!
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Pan,

The idea of the vagina being "tight" (and the idea that a "tight" vagina is better or is a reliable indicator of how much sex a person has had) is based on incorrect understandings of anatomy. The vagina is a muscular tube, which means that the it will conform to whatever is inside it. And when there is nothing in it, it's closed in on itself (in other words, the walls will be touching). When someone with a vagina gets aroused, the vagina loosens and the cervix raises up to allow an object, be that a penis, a finger, a sex toy, etc, to be inserted. This article does a really great job addressing the idea of "tight" vaginas in more detail: ... _tightness
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett...thanks for reply
.. anyway what happen if cum goes in partner's eye or during masterbating if cum goes in my eyes? it any side effects?..if we (i and partner) don't have any sti or std..
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Sam W »

You're welcome!

If ejaculate gets in someones' eye, that can pose a risk of infection (not solely STIs) as well as being painful. If that happens, the person will want to flush their eye out with water right away.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett,
I am greatfull that you provide valuable information ..... anyway many female complain about bleeding bcz of first sex...i know that we have to do enough foreplay and have to make girl wet before penetrative sex...but just want to ask if i go little bit rough than still have chances of blood?? .(i am talking about not first time sex) first time sex there is hymene in girls .may be blood or may be not if we do in correct method....but i am just want to know after regular sex if sometime we do rough sex than still have chances to blood come??..because at that time hymene not there because of more sex....or hymen is just myth?...or blood always come when we do sex without lube or rough or any other reason???
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Pan,

While some people with vaginas do bleed the first time they have vaginal intercourse, bleeding isn't actually the inevitable outcome of that first time. Instead, it most often happens because the person is tense/not aroused, or because not enough lube is used. As for the hymen (more accurately called the vaginal corona), it's not this fragile membrane that tears the first time someone has vaginal sex. Instead, it's flexible tissue that gets worn away through various things over the course of a persons life. If someone doesn't have enough lube or us tense, the vaginal corona can get small tears that may bleed. You can read more about that here: My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It.

As far as "rough" sex, it can indeed cause bleeding if it's too rough, even if the person has had vaginal sex before, because the tissue inside the vaginal canal could still experience small tears.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Heather »

It's actually not true that because someone hasn't had intercourse or another kind of sex before that they have an intact hymen. The hymen is a very thin bit of tissue that wears away gradually over time. Vaginal sex is one thing that often contributes to that, but it's only one contributor, and it also doesn't take away the hymen in one fell swoop.

There are many people who have had intercourse a whole bunch of times, but whose hymen is still hanging around some, still gradually wearing away. There are also people whose hymens have already worn away a lot before or without any vaginal sex with partners.

If bleeding happens with sex, it's usually because of injury, not because of the hymen or other commonly false assumptions. (The studies on this are limited, but it might help to know that when sex is wanted, most people with vaginas do NOT bleed with first-time intercourse.) . If sex is so rough it causes bleeding, even with the use of lube and even when the person with the vagina is very turned on, chances are it was way, WAY too rough.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Okay got it heather..
So hymen location is around vagina hole..right...i saw some images on google about "vagina with hymen" i got it that location...still question come in my mine..
Is it safe to lick vagina with hymen??...and i heared that girls like to be licked in vagina...i do not have problem to lick vagina..but when period comes than it is not safe to lick her vagina right?? after how many days after her period i can lick her vagina??..or suppose if she wash her vagina immediately than i can lick vagina straight a way??..
vagina is self cleaning if girl doesnt wash properly???
I like to lick girls vagina but sometimes just worry about health when i lick vagina in her period..any advice??
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Heather »

We've already given you a lot of information about sexual activity during menstrual periods, including this piece that truly does cover all of this:

That someone has hymenal tissue (or doesn't), doesn't change anything in regards to sex and periods and safety.

And for more information on the hymen, including it's location, here's a piece on that, too: My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It
My Corona: The Anatomy Formerly Known as the Hymen & the Myths That Surround It.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett..
Just want to know..if girls become wet very often or she will become orgasm very often than she will become weak??..or is it myth??..same question for man...if man become orgasm very often than he will become weak??...or is it just myth?
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Siân »

Hi Pan, those things are both myths. Regular sexual arousal, sexual activity or orgasm don't have any negative effects on physical or mental health - whatever your gender.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett..
I really want to orgasm...and in fact sometime i got orgasm as well and i can feel it sometime and keep learning ...but everytime i had to watch porn...i do not have any problems with porn...because i see some very good content...but my question is "HOW CAN I GET ORGASM WITHOUT PORN??"..any tips ??..
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Pan,

The basic answer is to masturbate without using porn as the thing that makes you aroused. For most people, that means relying on their imagination and experimenting to find fantasies that turn them on.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi scarleteen.
Always its my pleasure to hear you and getting knowledge..
I heard about semen retention if i am not wrong semen retention is person should not masterbate may be one or two week and he can feel orgasm without ejaculation and after two week he can masterbate...this called semen retention??
What is the benefits of semen retention?? Should every man try this technique?? it any benefit for our health??
Or semen retention doesn't have any benefit??
How often we should masterbate in a healthy way?
And how much time we should give to our body after ejaculation??
Thanks in advance
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Pan,

There aren't really any specific health benefits that come with limiting masturbation. Beliefs that there are tend to trace back to misconceptions about how bodies work and how semen is produced. When it comes to how much masturbation is healthy, the basic rule is that as long as it is not interfering with important parts of your life, causing you physical pain, or happening as part of a compulsion, you can masturbate however much you want (including not masturbating at all). As for resting after ejaculation, that really varies from person to person; one person may need more time than another after ejaculation to be interested in and ready to masturbate again.
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Pan »

Hi Scarlett..
Have a good day to all now a days when i am becoming horny before the climax i am thinking about to drink my own semen!!!..i never drink my own semen before but when i am masterbating i just want to drink my own semen ( may be this idea comes after seeing porn)..but when i have cumed i don't drink my semen!!..i don't know why!!
So my question is it good idea to drink my own semen? it stupid idea??..i just taste my precum many time ..but i never drink my own semen. So i am just looking forward to listen what is your advice??..i am single and never did sex with anyone
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Re: Curious to know

Unread post by Heather »

You've asked and we've spoken with you before about this. You'll find that question and its answers here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8788&p=44357
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