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Unread post by Fr8 »

I'm 13 and before you ask yes I am going through puberty, I have hairs ect. I've recently started jerking off. It feels incredible but I have never came, my legs start shaking and my tip get sensitive but I usually just end up pissing.Sorry if this is awkward to answer :p but do you push cum out or dose it just come out naturally? THANKS :D
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Re: Masterbation

Unread post by Siân »

Hi Fr8,

Welcome to the message boards!

So one thing about puberty is that it doesn't all happen at once. The ability to ejaculate actually tends to develop well after you start getting erections - which might explain why that isn't something that has happened for you yet. When it does start, it generally feels more like a release than an active pushing out of ejaculate.

Take a read of this for a bit more info: Not Everything You Wanted To Know About Puberty (But Pretty Darn Close) and in the meantime there is no reason why you shouldn't continue to masturbate and enjoy the sensations if it feels good!
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