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Unread post by rexcody »

Hello! I’ve been wondering about hormones. I’ve been experiencing white discharges after menstruation and even during ovulation and a lessen amount during my pms now. I don’t usually experience white discharges in my labia and I didn’t have sexual desire during my ovulation. I also experienced a series of headaches during the days of my expected ovulation. Im also experiencing mild pms symptoms, ill be due next week. Are these (white discharges, headaches, no arousal during ovulation) are hormonal changes? Ive read they are caused by increasing progesterone? Even on ovulation is that possible? Can these be related to pregnancy? Can you please clear and help me on this. Thank you!
Sam W
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Re: Hormones

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Rexcody,

It looks like Heather already answered most of this in this thread, so I'm not going to repeat their answers: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9054&p=45534#p45534. Have you had a chance to read the articles they linked you to in that thread?

As for arousal, arousal levels can vary throughout your cycle for lots of reasons, including hormones. But they can also just as easily be related to things like stress, medication, etc.
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