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Unread post by snowwhitex »

Hello Scarleteen!
Am I fully protected with taking birth control pill everyday and using condoms everytime I have sex?
Also, does taking continouos pill increase the protection or it actually doesn't matter? And is it true that after a while some pills get "weaker" at protecting and you can get pregnant?
Thanks xx
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Re: Protection

Unread post by Siân »

Hi snowwhitex,

Welcome to the boards. The buddy system - using two methods of contraception - is a great idea if you are extra concerned about pregnancy, and the combination of birth control pills and condoms is highly effective at preventing pregnancy. You can read more about that here: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

And no, as long as you keep taking your pills as directed and using condoms consistently, your protection will not decrease over time.
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Re: Protection

Unread post by snowwhitex »

Thank you
Can birth control pills cause nipple discharge? Or is it a bigger concern than that?
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Re: Protection

Unread post by Heather »

It's possible, but because that can be due to a few things, if that's happening for you, that's something to bring to a healthcare provider.
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