I am really scared I have genital warts

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I am really scared I have genital warts

Unread post by Sunnfun »

So earlier this week I was shaving asi was going’s to go swim and I noticed on my pubic mound a few bumps that look like they could be warts. I don’t know if they are but they are not itchy or painful and the are located at the same spot I have gotten ingrown hairs. I’ve only been with one person who was a woman and she has never had another partner and we have never had genital to genital sex only hand stuff. I have had the HPV shot and I have only been itchy because of tight underwear. I have looked more into my vagina and have found more bumps but not like this and they do not hurt nor are they itchy. The other bumps look like VP(Vestibular papillomatosis) but I don’t need know for sure. I don’t know what is going on and I am planning to meet with a gynecologist. I am just scared as I know HPV never goes away and I don’t want to hurt my girlfriend/sexual partner. So please help me out and help me worry less.
Sam W
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Re: I am really scared I have genital warts

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Sunnfun,

Glad to hear you're already planning on checking in with a gynecologist, since that's the way to find out for certain what the bumps are.

It may help to know that HPV can and does go away in many cases; around 90% of people clear the infection on their own withing two years. Too, even if you were to have HPV, that doesn't automatically mean you're going to pass it to your partner. Using barriers, like dental dams, condoms, and gloves, greatly reduces the risk of HPV transmission. Plenty of people with HPV have happy, healthy sex lives. It seems like it might help you a lot right now to get some accurate information on HPV: The STI Files: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
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