i don’t understand much about masterbation and i need help!!

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i don’t understand much about masterbation and i need help!!

Unread post by peaches »

hi so i’m a 19 year old virgin and i’ve just started to get into this masterbation stuff. i don’t understand much about it or my body. so for one when i’m in the shower i use the shower head on my cilt and it feels really good, i keep it there for awhile and then this like tension i guess starts to build and my legs start to shake and my breathing becomes hitched. when this happens i can’t control my hands that are holding the shower head to my cilt but they go someplace else and moves the shower head, leaving me nothing and i feel pathetic. i don’t know what to do!! the second is when i’m using a dildo that my friend suggested i buy and i did. so ya know everything’s going good it’s in me and everything and when i pulled it out there was this light creamy stuff on it? is that good? am i okay? and so i put it back in and keep going soon i feel the need to go pee but i keep going anyway so i let myself go and i peed! what the heck? that’s not what i expected and not what i thought would happen. and it didn’t really feel so good... nothing tense or whatever just the need to pee. what’s going on?! i have lube and everything but i just don’t understand! help me please!
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Re: i don’t understand much about masterbation and i need help!!

Unread post by Heather »

Hey there, peaches. Welcome to the boards. :)

So, I'm not sure I fully understand all of what you're asking here. Before I try and answer you, let's see if I get the general gist:

1) With the masturbation you're asking about with the shower head, what's your question? Is it about what all those things happening -- legs feeling twitchy, your clitoral shaft feeling good, your hands getting shaky -- (which probably are orgasm) are? You say you're "left with nothing and feeling pathetic." Left with nothing how? Fill me in?
2) With the question about using the dildo, and from the sounds of things, inside your vagina. Are you asking what the fluid on it is? Too, are you asking how to make it feel different than it did, where, unless you urinated first and it was actually feeling great, it sounded like you may just have urinated because you felt bladder pressure or stimulation of your urinary sponge? Are you wanting to know how to make it feel good and how not to urinate?
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Re: i don’t understand much about masterbation and i need help!!

Unread post by peaches »

hi, yes i guess my question about the shower head was that my hands do shake and when they do it also moves the shower head away from the area and the pressure is gone and nothing happens and that’s what makes me feel pathetic. is there a way to keep my hands there and not moving around much so i do reach the full climax..? and about the dildo the thing that i was getting at was how to make it feel good and how not urinate or feel the need to. because i’ve done it a couple of times and all i’ve felt was the urge to urinate and then i do. it doesn’t feel good. so could you help me with that! thank you!
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Re: i don’t understand much about masterbation and i need help!!

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi peaches,

With the showerhead, is there a way you can position yourself so that you can steady your hands on something? Too, if you enjoy external vibrations like those from the showerhead, have you tried using a vibrator? That might be easier for you to control, even when you start shaking.

Can you fill me in around what you're tried to minimize the urge to pee? For instance, have you been going to the bathroom right before you try masturbating?
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