What Are The Signs That Will Show Me She Likes Me?

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What Are The Signs That Will Show Me She Likes Me?

Unread post by jgrickej »

Hello dear friends, I am struggling a lot to understand whether this one girl likes me or not. I see her often in my neighborhood and sometimes she smiles at me, but I dont know for sure.

I read that there are some signs I should look for like in here for example [link removed by moderator since the site is technically 18+] they have this following list at the end of article with signs one should look for.

1. She Looks Back And Glances At You Repeatedly Every Minute Or So
2. She Turns Her Body Towards You
3. She Holds Eye Contact For Longer Periods Of Time When She Speaks With You
4. She Asks You For Your Name
5. She Asks You A Lot Of Questions
6. She Stands Nearby
7. She Asks You For A Light Or The Time Or In Any Way Initiates A Conversation
8. She Plays With Her Hair While Talking To You
9. She Compliments You
10. She Punches Your Arm While Laughing

What do you say? Is this legit? Should I ask her out? What will increase my chances? Thanks for all of your feedback!
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Sam W
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Re: What Are The Signs That Will Show Me She Likes Me?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi jgrickej,

So, the internet is full of tips and tricks that can supposedly help you tell whether someone likes you in a romantic sense. And yes, things like body language or tone of conversation can tell us something about how someone might feel towards us. But when it comes down to it, there's only one way of finding out that's actually reliable: asking the person how they feel about you.

But, before we even get to that step, can I ask if this is someone you've had any interaction with besides just seeing her?
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Re: What Are The Signs That Will Show Me She Likes Me?

Unread post by space_cadet »

Hey there!

I think the most effective way to tell if she likes you is to try talking to her! While body language and tone can be good indicators, they can vary a lot from person to person. Like Sam said, the only really reliable way to know how someone feels about you is by asking them. Being straightforward and talking openly about how both of you feel could be really beneficial in a situation like this.

I hope all goes well!
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