I'm Terrified.

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I'm Terrified.

Unread post by Moxy1984 »

This whole thing with certain recent events is crazy. I feel like there's no hope for anything anymore, for how stupid some people can be, and how horrible the government is. I get into these hopeless moods sometimes, and feel like nothing I do is going to do anything for the world at all while I'm stuck indoors, drawing all day. I'm not depressed, and I haven't thought about suicide at all, but man. This whole thing just SUCKS, and I feel hopeless (not to mention I come from a mainly white town with wild Trump supporters, and live in a mixed family. My mom has been very stressed out, and I've been scared for my brother, who is darker than I am, and goes a lot of places for work). I was just trying to find more good friends (I only have 2 real close ones. Most people I know are always busy), and now the school year might not even happen too. I just don't know how to cope with the fact that nothing I do will really fix any of this.
Sam W
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Re: I'm Terrified.

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi A.Fiend1983,

Those are all incredibly understandably ways to be feeling right now, and I'm so sorry your family is in a space that's so hostile. It does really feel like we're in the middle of a time where sucky-ness is coming at us from all sides and every time it feels like it's reached peak awful, something else bad gets added to the mix.

What would be the ways we could best help you right now? That could be using this space to vent, or to talk about finding friends, or to brainstorm some ways to feel a little less powerless in the face of everything that's happening, or something else entirely.

I do also want to give you this piece I wrote earlier in the pandemic, because it talks about some things to try if you're feeling hopeless or powerless right now: https://www.scarleteen.com/article/advi ... ng_covid19
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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