which penis piercing makes vaginal and anal sex feel the best

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which penis piercing makes vaginal and anal sex feel the best

Unread post by DArwin »

I was wonder if anyone knows which penis piercing is the most pleasurable for vaginal sex or anal sex. I was thinking about getting one and i would really only want one if it feels better for the women I'm with.
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Re: which penis piercing makes vaginal and anal sex feel the best

Unread post by Heather »

There's no such thing as anything -- not a piercing, not a kind of sex, not an anything -- that makes sex feel best for everyone, because what feels good for people varies much, much too much, even for people who have the same genitals, gender identity or other body parts.

Some people won't find genital sex is a kind of sex they even like at all, or won't want receptive vaginal or anal sex. Some people don't like how piercings feel! Some people will insist on condoms and so won't be able to feel a piercing the way they would without them. Other people love piercings! Others won't even really feel the difference, or will sometimes but not others. Get where I'm going here?

This is about something that's part of YOUR body, and the person who is going to feel it most and live with it most is actually you. So you're going to be the best person to focus on in your decisions about it, not everyone else, especially since you just can't universalize in this way with what people will and won't, do and don't like.
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Re: which penis piercing makes vaginal and anal sex feel the best

Unread post by DArwin »

I see thank you for the advice. I did wanna ask another question, I've been reading about the different piercing and some of them say that they are special for increase the stimulation of the male's partner. Is that kinda just the same thing you mentioned about how it affects before differently?
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Re: which penis piercing makes vaginal and anal sex feel the best

Unread post by Heather »

So, “stimulation” is a word that just means we feel a thing. By all means, a piercing in a place where someone can feel it will generally result in someone feeling a thing, or being stimulated. However, whether or not a person *likes* that kind of stimulation is all over the map. Make sense?
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Re: which penis piercing makes vaginal and anal sex feel the best

Unread post by DArwin »

I understand thank you :)
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