Anal sex question

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Anal sex question

Unread post by Sunland05 »

And I can't believe I'm going to ask this but I would like to know for future reference.
There is a porn scene that I like where the guy is having anal sex with a girl but then he takes it out and has vaginal sex with her and then just keeps on going back and forth between the two.
How do you keep the vaginal area clean while doing that? Doesn't that stuff from the other hole end up in the other hole? I am sure there is a better way of explaining that but hopefully you understand what I'm asking.
But seriously how do you keep the vagina nice and clean while having sex like that?
And I am never going to ask that ever again🤣
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Re: Anal sex question

Unread post by Heather »

It is okay to ask things like this here!

That's not actually something to do that's safe, that's a way to get a vaginal bacterial infection. You're exactly right: fecal matter and bacteria from the rectum can and often does wind up in the vaginal canal that way.

The way to do that safely is to use a condom, and then to put on a new condom if switching from anus to vagina EACH TIME.
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Re: Anal sex question

Unread post by Sunland05 »

So I was right! Thankyou. I'm not going to try it anyway.
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Re: Anal sex question

Unread post by Carly »

Hey Sunland05 -- Heather already answered your question about bacteria and the safety of switching between an anus and a vagina, but I wanted to offer information about porn in general that I think might be also helpful going forward. It's okay to watch porn and enjoy it, but the most important to thing to remember about watching porn is that it's meant for entertainment purposes: the people in porn are performers and scenarios in videos or other kinds of material are not always portrayed safely, just like a movie you would see in a theater. Because you've come across something like this, I think it might be good to take a look at our resource Making Sense of Sexual Media - even if you don't plan on trying it out yourself. :mrgreen:
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Re: Anal sex question

Unread post by Sunland05 »

Hey Carly. I only started watching some porn for the last couple months but that video fascinated me. And I saw another video worse than that one, but I'm not gonna talk about that. Some videos were also uncomfortable to watch, but I guess some guys enjoy it.
It's a crazy form of entertainment though. And if it's dangerous then why do it?
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Re: Anal sex question

Unread post by Carly »

Hey Sunland05 -- I'm not sure if I have a better answer than other than it's likely money motivated. If there are people who want to see it, there are porn directors and producers who are willing to make it and porn actors willing to try it. Pretty similar to other hazardous jobs. Porn is a space where people can engage in fantasies they may have that they cannot or don't want to engage in "real life." Sometimes those fantasy scenarios can be more intense than what we personally want to see ourselves, but that doesn't necessarily make that "worse" than other porn. And there are many people who enjoy porn like what you saw, probably not just guys! If you want to read more about some of these ideas, you can try How to Approach Sexual Fantasy and Desire on Your Own Terms.

(Also, I wanted to note here that I'm assuming the porn you saw was produced by adults with informed adult actors who understood the risks involved in what they were doing in their scene. Porn that is not produced by consenting, informed adults exists too unfortunately.)
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