Plan B

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Plan B

Unread post by Butterfly19 »

So I am not currently on any form of birth control. Me and this guy was messing around in the car. He entered into the vagina for less than two minutes. He did not cum. However, I am worried about the pre cum which might have occurred. I just recently finish my period last week.They are irregular. I get it every month I just don't know what day it will come. Should I buy the plan b to be safe or just wait to take a test in two weeks since he did not cum. I know the pill can sometimes have harsh side effects and should not be taken unless you are extremely certain a risk has occurred. Thanks for the help
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Redskies »

Hi Butterfly, welcome to the boards.

You did have some pregnancy risk with the intercourse you had; the length of time doesn't make a difference to the risk. If he didn't ejaculate, the risk is lower than if he had. Did this intercourse happen within the last 120 hours? If it did, you can reduce the risk further by taking emergency contraception.

Plan B is a very safe medication and has no permanent side-effects. Some people do get some temporary side-effects, although the harsher ones are uncommon. Other people get none at all. Either way, pregnancy certainly has a much greater effect on the body than Plan B does! Having intercourse using only withdrawal as a method of contraception - which is what you're describing - is a very reasonable circumstance to take Plan B, if a person doesn't want to become pregnant.

If you decide you want to take Plan B, do you know how to access it? Too, it's more effective the sooner it's taken, and most effective within the first 24 hours.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Butterfly19 »

So I did end up taking the Plan B within 24 hours. However now I am worried because a lot of women talk about getting a withdrawl bleed a few days after taking the pill. I have not received any bleeding at all. I did just finish my period on Dec 17th and the incident happen on the 20th around 10 pm and I took the pill the next day on the 21st at 5 pm. I have experience little to no side effects except headache the first night I took and slight to moderate cramping but no blood. I am planning to take a test at the end of this week if I still don't have any bleeding that would make it two weeks from the incident. I have been really stressing about this and have vow to never to do anything until marriage from now on.
I am feeling in a hopeless place right now, they guy is expressing feelings as if I shouldn't be expecting anything more than what happen that night meaning a relationship I guess.Im very hurt and sadden by this because this seems to always happen to me (not the sex part). I am young only 19 and really have never had a steady boyfriend. Its hard to see friends with boyfriends and Im just sitting there.Im in nursing school so I guess its best for me to focus on my studies. Sorry for this long post and thank you for reading this and helping me out. I appreciate everyone on this site providing information and advice.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Eddie C »

Plan B doesn't have the same side effects on everyone and not all people who take it have a period one week after. One thing that is very common with Emergency Contraception is that is messes up with your cycle -- which could be annoying, I know! -- but this is something that shouldn't last more than a couple of months. The best thing you can do if you don't get your period soon is to test. That way you can rule pregnancy out and not stress about Plan B messing up with your cycle/period. :)

Here you can have more info about pregnancy testing: ... ancy_tests
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Redskies »

Also, Butterfly, do you want to talk more about how you're feeling? I'm sorry you're feeling so crummy. Maybe we can help you figure out what it is you need in the future to Not feel crummy, and how to seek out what you need and step away from things which don't meet those needs and have you feeling so miserable?

I'm not sure what "this" is in "this seems to always happen to me". Can you explain a bit?
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Butterfly19 »

Yes thank you, So during my teenage years I have never been in a long term relationship. Which is hard since it seems everyone around me is currently in one or has been in the past. I feel as if I am in the same cycle with guys that I cant break. The cycle is we meet, we talk all the time (the getting to know each other phase), everything seems to be going fine and then a few weeks later its either they are not the type of person I want in my life or they dont like me for some reason. Also sometimes they may claim to like me but then later I realize they were not all that interested. So the relationship goes nowhere. That's what I mean in this always keep happening to me. This past week I was hanging out with a guy that seem genuine and claim to really like me. I like him alot as well. We have just been friends for a while now. Then one thing led to another and we engage in intercourse which should not have happen to begin with. It hurts alot now because I thought he actually cared and now realizing he was just using me I guess. I express being in a relationship and he said he wasnt interested so now I am just ready to move on from him. I dont think he's a good influence in my life anyways.Getting my period will be the closure I need to end that chapter in my life. :|

I just want someone who cares, loyal,loves to laugh and have fun, and has a good outlook on life. I feel like I will never find that because of the constant cycle. I can be quiet and shy when first meeting someone and then once I get to know a person I open up. Sometimes I just think my quietness can get in the way of meeting people. I dont know how to break that.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Heather »

Can I ask if the other people you are metting and trying to connect with are also more quiet, shy or introverted? If not, you might find it helpful to see how it goes getting to know people who are more like you in those ways.

Too, sounds like you would feel better going more slowly with people, only engaging in sexual activity with them when you know they will - because they already have - stick around for more than a week or two. Does that sound like more of what you want? If so, then you can know now that you will want to set some limits with sex, and make a point of communicating to others you are pursuing that you need more time to get to know each other first and are not interested in sex that is not connected to an ongoing relationship.

I would also cut yourself a bit of a break here. With dating, I would say it is most common for people to find exactly what you are, that you spend a date, a few days, a few weeks or even a couple months seeing someone, only to find that more often you have misses than hits. Dating is a lot like shopping for jeans. Most people are going to have to try on quite a few pairs before they find any that really fit.

It might also help, then, to figure that a week or a couple weeks of dating is not so much a capital-R relationship as it is people just spending some time to see if that might be what they want. If and when we get very attached to someone or the idea of them as an ongoing partner too fast, it can result in a lot of needless heartbreak.

Hopefully, some of that is helpful for you!
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