Going off the pill

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Going off the pill

Unread post by neni »

Hi Scarleteen team!!
First of all, I want to thank you for all the work you do. Scarleteen has been a true guide for me as I’ve navigated my sexuality.

I have a few questions on birth control. So I became sexually active in August and began to take the OC pill. I had terrible side effects and stopped taking it in October.

Now, I’ve also had a few side effects going off it. Before getting my first cycle I had horrible breast tenderness and throughout this second cycle I’ve had some nausea, although my period is yet to appear. My boyfriend and I are still sexually active but use condoms and withdrawal in what I would consider perfect use. We are very responsible in the meantime as I try to see what other birth control method I want to try.

Is it normal to have these birth control pill side effects even if I only took the pill for around three months? Will they pass?

Thanks for all the info!

Wishing you all the best,
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by Elise »

Hi Alexa, so glad to hear that Scarleteen has been a useful resource for you and helped you to understand part of yourself better 😊

With regards to your questions about side effects of the pill, your experience is a very common one. Essentially, our bodies react to changes in hormone levels, big and small. In this case, there have been two significant changes during this process:
  1. Introduction of new synthetic hormones, an estrogen and a progestin when you started taking the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill. There can be some initial side effects as we adjust for this, however these can be too significant/impactful and/or continue in a way that essentially that means continuing this kind of birth control isn't the best course of action, as in your case.
  2. Stopping taking the pill: the body then needs to adjust to stopping of the synthetic hormones being taken, which means our hormone levels shift again, and often this means we have some side effects as things re-balance.
This is a very normal process, and related to the way our body is set up to respond to hormonal fluctuations, this why some people get sore breasts etc. at certain stages in their menstrual cycle (the stages of which are triggered by a sequence of hormonal fluctuations)

As you look at other forms of birth control, it is worth noting that there are different types of hormonal birth control that all have their own mix of synthetic hormones within that may or may not suit you better than this pill has, and it can take some time to work out which/if one of them will work for you. Also, there are various brands of the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, and these have different mixes of synthetic hormones. A GP with expertise in this area should be able to assist you with choosing between these options, given your experiences on this particular Pill, depending on what is available in your region.

Also, have you checked out our article: Birth Control Bingo? It is a great place to read about the various kinds of birth control out there!
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by neni »

Hi Elise!!
Thanks so much for answering my question.

So, does that mean that nausea is a normal side effect after stopping? I remember having some intense nausea when I started the pill but I didn’t think I’d have some after stopping.

I’ve taken a look at the article and it has been immensely helpful. I hope I’ll find the best one that fits me, sometimes I feel like I won’t find the best birth control for myself and I’ll have to sacrifice part of my well-being (in side effects) just to feel protected.
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by Carly »

Hey neni -- I'm also glad to hear that Scarleteen has helped you so much! Yes, experiencing some nausea after stopping the pill is very normal. Along with that and the breast tenderness you already mentioned, you may also experience heavier periods and/or changes in weight.

Finding the best birth control method for ourselves can be a lengthy process but it's absolutely worth the trouble to feel comfortable with what you're usuing. Do you have any questions about what you read on any of the pages for Birthcontrol Bingo? We're happy to help you decide what's next and address any concerns you have. If you're not feeling great on hormonal birthcontrol, a copper IUD might be something to consider.
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by neni »

I wish I could get the IUD but I have a septate uterus :( One gyno told me I could get a hormonal IUD in one half of the uterus and the hormones would cover the entire uterus and another told me that it would be difficult to guarantee no pregnancy by just putting it in one cavity of the septate uterus. So I don’t know what to do.

I also decided to stop the pills because I have a family history of blood clots due to a gene. I feel like my position is very uncomfortable and that I don’t have many options. This, unfortunately, does play into how I see myself in my sexuality and I truly wish I could take charge and feel in control of my choices but it just doesn’t feel that way..

What would you guys do in my position?
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi Alexa, hope it's okay if I chime in!
To be honest I've been in a similar situation and I can truly relate to it being frustrating and the feeling of having little control over your own sexual choices. Ultimately you have to put your health first while also making sure you're comfortable and at peace with whatever form of birth control you're using. Using condoms and withdrawal, along with tracking your period (there's some great apps for this!), is NOT fully effective BUT it is much more responsible than, say, only doing one or two of those things. I say this because as you explore your birth control options I want you to stay safe but also FEEL safe. If you track your periods and know when you're ovulating (assuming your periods are regular) on top of using condoms and withdrawal, as long as you're careful, the risk of pregnancy isn't huge. That being said I understand wanting an even safer option, so I wonder have you considered the depo provera shot? As someone who can't get an IUD and my body doesn't like the pill, I was on that for years and I really liked it. The side effects are minimal and you only have to worry about it every 3 months. It is also estrogen free, which I personally prefer. Same thing with the Nexplanon (arm implant), which tends to have a higher risk of some side effects but also is super effective.
I don't want you to sacrifice your well-being in order to feel protected, of course. Side effects from medications and birth control can be such a pain and I see you and am with you. It's super important to be protected and responsible sexually, but also you're the owner of your body and you should do what is best for it. Please feel free to ask any more questions, I'm around for a few more hours but anyone else will gladly pick back up too. Sending the best vibes your way! <3
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by neni »

Hi Sofi, thanks for chiming in. I’m always hoping to find people in a similar position to mine and see what they’re doing!

I’ll definitely look into the Depo Shot; it seems weird that none of my gynos suggested it. I asked about the implant once and they mentioned that the side effects were pretty harsh so I didn’t opt for that one. I hope to find a doctor that helps me with this topic. What did you find were the worst side effects? I guess the experience is just different for everybody, right?
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by Sofi »

Yep, everyone's experience is different! Not everyone has the same side effects- I cannot stress this enough. That being said, I personally didn't really have any bad side effects from depo. Weight gain, which was expected, and lack of periods (I got them every few months and when I did they were super light). I had a great experience on it but I stopped because it can lead to bone density loss if you're on it for too long, especially if you start as a teen, but at your age it's less concerning. Again, everyone's body reacts differently so please don't take my experience as medical advice, but on a personal level I liked being on it!
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by neni »

Okay, thanks Sofi! I’ll definitely look into it :) thank you for telling me about it, I actually used to think it had estrogen. Is the estrogen the hormone in the hormonal contraceptives that is known for causing blood clots?

And one other thing, my first normal cycle after the pill was considered “normal”. And now, in my second cycle, I’ve had the most intense PMS and my period is late. Is it normal to be irregular after stopping? Sorry for bothering you about this, I just feel like no one explained this stuff to me.
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Re: Going off the pill

Unread post by Carly »

Hey neni -- don't worry, we're volunteers because we like helping with questions like this! Yep, having late periods after stopping hormonal birth control is pretty common. It may take up to 3 months for it to completely stabilize again.
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