I struggle sexually pleasuring myself

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I struggle sexually pleasuring myself

Unread post by ThrowAwayMeat »

So to give a basic rundown — I'm a hypersexual transman [FTM] [19yrs] who has not transitioned yet.
With that being said, I experience arousal a lot and I welcome it. I'm not ashamed of being horny and I don't mind. But I am single and don't have anyone to, well. Ya know.

The issue comes with this, I don't feel sexual pleasure when I touch myself. I know for a fact that I do feel it because with my ex, I was very responsive to her touches — it felt really nice and I liked it.
But when it comes down to me touching my vagina and clit, I feel no stimulation and it really makes me confused and irritated. It's just like touching another part of myself.
I CAN masturbate — I use the showerhead against my clit and recently bought a small bullet vibrator — but I don't feel anything touching myself. I also can't make myself cum which is also irritating.

I live in a house with a big family and share a room, so I'm only limited to my bathroom. So I can't do anything outside of that.

I looked at a bunch of the forums here and I just can't get a solid answer for myself.

I'm confused
Logan W
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Re: I struggle sexually pleasuring myself

Unread post by Logan W »


It makes sense that you are frustrated. From what I understand, you are frustrated with not being able to use a certain method for masturbation? Masturbation can happen in a variety of different ways. Some people can come one way but not others. Or maybe it takes trying out different methods.

There are some things in this article that might answer some of your questions to get you started: https://www.scarleteen.com/article/bodi ... sturbation
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