Duphaston Question

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Duphaston Question

Unread post by Edhelraen »

I had an ovarian cyst back in December and it popped around January. However my period never came last month so my obgyn prescribed me duphaston to take for five days to help induce my period.

I’m currently on day four of my period after finishing the pills and the flow is starting to pick up compared to the first three days where the bleeding wasn’t as heavy. I’m just wondering if this is normal after taking duphaston?

My obgyn said to return for a follow up if the bleeding continues for ten days.

I’ve taken duphaston before around two years ago for the same problem and it fixed my period back then, but I don’t recall it making my period come heavy on day four.

I’m just wondering if this is a normal period reaction after taking duphaston
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Edhelraen,

One of the side effects of this medication can be period irregularity, so that could explain the bleeding pattern you noticed. However, if could as just be a pretty standard variation in period bleeding unrelated to the medication; what days your menstrual flow is lighter and heavier won't always be the same, because bodies aren't machines.

It sounds like your OB-GYN has told you what to watch out for and when to contact them for additional care. So for now I would keep an eye on it and see if the bleeding continues to be heavy and passes that ten day mark, or if it eventually stops.
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Edhelraen »

I see, thanks for the reply!

I do recall I had heavy bleeding the last time I took duphaston as well, but it did eventually taper off and stop at the end.

Hopefully it will be the same this time.

I'll keep an eye on it and see if it stops before the ten day mark, if not then I'll just go back to my obgyn and see what she says :D
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Sam W »

You're very welcome!
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Edhelraen »

So just a quick update: I ended up going back to my obgyn because I was bleeding somewhat heavily and that worried me. She prescribed me some meds to take to stop the bleeding, and also said I should take birth control for a few months to help my body regulate my cycle again.

I'm not against birth control but I'd normally rather not take it because I don't like having things mess with my cycle naturally. However this time I said I'll take it for a few months since the situation was probably for the best. She prescribed me Microgynon to take for three months and I can come off it.

Since I never took birth control before, I'm just wondering if some of the side effects will go away as my body ajusts to it? Like right now I'm having slight nausea and headaches (this is my third day of taking it). Will the side effects subside gradually as I keep taking the pill?
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Edhelraen,

Some of the side effects will likely go away as your body adjusts to the medication. However, some side effects of the pill can persist, and it's hard to predict which ones; every body reacts it's own way to the pill. Do you feel like, even if some of the less pleasant side effects persist, you're able to stick it out for the three months you were prescribed?
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Edhelraen »

Hi! I forgot to respond!

It seems my body has settled down after getting used to the pill so I will stick it out for the three months and see how that works out!
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Edhelraen »

Just a quick update now.

I finished the three months my gyn prescribed and my periods are now back to normal! I'm so happy. The only thing she did tell me was to see her every 6 months to keep an eye on my ovaries and see if another cyst forms. If it does then I might have to go on a longer term for the birth control this time.
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Re: Duphaston Question

Unread post by Sam W »

Thank you for the update! I'm glad you're cycle is back to what you're used to and that you've got a plan for ongoing care.
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