I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

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I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

Unread post by seuniemonki »

I had PIV on June 25th and relied on the combo pill (taken at the same time daily, no missed doses since I started) and the withdrawal method. On June 26 I began to get what I assumed were PMS symptoms and on July 3rd, I got my expected withdrawal bleed. However, these PMS symptoms have persisted, them being: persistent headache, dull cramping, mood swings and increased appetite. I'm afraid these are pregnancy symptoms all along and I don't know what to do besides take a test (which I already bought). But even then, how can I know it won't be a false negative? Not sure if this will help but I also have endometriosis symptoms according to my gynecologist and I've been on the pill since February 2023. I need advice urgently ! :cry:
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Re: I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

Unread post by Latha »

Hello there, Seuniemonki- welcome to the boards!

Getting a withdrawal bleed is a pretty good indication that you're not pregnant. Too, those symptoms that you mentioned are also side effects of taking the combined pill itself. I'd say taking a pregnancy test is a good idea, especially if the additional data will alleviate your concerns.

That's a good question about false negatives- false negatives are very unlikely when the test is stored/taken properly. Considering the fact that you've also had withdrawal bleeding, I think you can feel confident about a negative test result.
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Re: I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

Unread post by seuniemonki »

Thank you so much! Another question though, do the symptoms I mentioned go away eventually because they came up so abruptly which is why I was afraid it was pregnancy symptoms or is it due to the stress I have from being afraid of pregnancy xD?
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Re: I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

Unread post by Logan W »

Hi seuniemonki!

I hope it's okay that I'm jumping in here. The symptoms you mentioned could be a combination of stress and your body adjusting to the pill. Endometriosis symptoms can also be at play here. They might go away as stress alleviates and your body adjusts. But I would also recommend that if they are concerning you (or not going away) to give your doctor a call and discuss your symptoms. They definitely would have better insight.
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Re: I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

Unread post by seuniemonki »

Thank you! I was waiting until I got my tests to reply. So I tested twice approx. 19 days later and both were negative. I tested again 27 days later and negative as well. I'm supposed to get my period next week and the symptoms I've mentioned have subsided with time so I should pretty much be in the clear correct?
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Re: I got my withdrawal bleed yet I'm worried about pregnancy

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi seuniemonki,

Yep, as long as you took the tests according to the directions about when and how to test, you can assume those results are accurate!
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