Scared of a pregnancy scare

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Scared of a pregnancy scare

Unread post by adip0se »

My boyfriend and I are planning on having sex for the first time and I keep pushing it off because I'm TERRIFIED of getting pregnant. We have condoms, so we are being safe. Does anyone have any advice to kinda ease my (slightly irrational) fear?
Eddie C
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Re: Scared of a pregnancy scare

Unread post by Eddie C »

Fear is not something you want to just ease. If you feel fear then your fear is trying to tell you something. When it comes to sex and fear of pregnancy, maybe the reason is that you don't feel very safe about it. Ignoring it won't help at all, the best thing to do is to take some time to think what you think you need to feel more safe and comfortable. Makes sense?

Readiness for sex is not about age or about how long you been dating someone. You can even have been sexual before but to feel unease to be sexual with a new partner.

We have a great article about this if you are interested: ... _checklist
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Re: Scared of a pregnancy scare

Unread post by adip0se »

Thank you, I went through the checklist and I really do feel ready, I'm just scared of the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy. Are there statistics that you know of?
Eddie C
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Re: Scared of a pregnancy scare

Unread post by Eddie C »

Well, is always good to keep in mind that there is no method 100% efficient to prevent pregnancy, so if you are scared of the consequences you need to know that even if you are very careful, pregnancy can happen.

Per the statistics, you can read the next links. The first one is about all the contraceptive methods and their efficiency rates. The second one has information of how to back up those methods if you want to even double careful. :) ... trol_bingo ... ol_with_a_
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