Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

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Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by ailel »

Hello! I hope you don't mind me going into details. I just want to ask for thoughts since I don't have anyone to ask about it.

My lover and I had sex last September 6th. It was my second time and made sure that we used condoms since I had a pregnancy scare the first time around. I also took ECPs but the Yupze way immediately after since Plan Bs are not available here. However, here's the catch: We did the deed A DAY AFTER MY PERIOD. I got my usual period around September 1st and it ended September 5th. I know it was risky but we did it anyways. I also don't know when I ovulate but I know that ovulation comes after period.

I experienced typical side effects of the Yupze method such as dizziness, mild headaches, and mood swings. However, as of writing this, I bled. The consistency is stretchy and the color is bright red. As if I am on my first day of period. Is this an assurance that I am not pregnant? Any thoughts are welcome!
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by Heather »

What sounds most likely to me (particularly since implantation bleeding someone is able to see is very rare, and honestly, were it not for the internet not even a term anyone would know about) is that you're having some spotting from the EC, a very common side effect.

The only for-sure assurance someone isn't pregnant is a negative pregnancy test, and side effects from the pills like spotting (or a lack of them) don't have anything to do with being pregnant or not, nor are any signal of the pills working, other than to make clear they are for sure impacting your body.

You say you don't know why you had sex unprotected when that clearly doesn't seem like something you wanted. Would you like any hekp in talking to this partner or partners in general about limits like condom use?
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by ailel »

Hi, Heather! I appreciate your response. I'll keep in mind to take a PT. But I want to know if using both ECP like the Yupze method and condoms as protection will reduce the chances of me getting pregnant despite of having sex a day after my period. We had sex using condoms and none break :)
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by Sofi »

Yes, using both of those methods will have reduced your risk versus not using either or only using one. However, we can't guarantee you aren't pregnant because it's been too soon to know and we're not medical professionals. If the condom didn't break and you did everything else by the book, the risk is low, but with vaginal sex there's always *a* risk no matter how low.
Do you find yourself having a lot of anxiety around the possibility of pregnancy? Is that something you'd like to discuss?
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by ailel »

Hi, Sofi! Yeah. That's actually why I am overthinking with every move that my body make. I want to enjoy sex but its consequences always bother me. My friends told me that I have nothing to worry about since my lover and I had protected sex plus the use of EC. I don't actually know how can I stop worrying about being pregnant after having sex :((
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by Nicole »

Hi ailel,

You mentioned that you've been overthinking everything, so I do want to emphasize that even though there is always a risk when it comes to vaginal sex, you are taking all the right steps, birth control-wise, to prevent pregnancy, which is great!

Do you and your partner have active conversations about pregnancy risk, or practice any aftercare? Sometimes it can help to have these discussions with someone else, especially someone who is involved, about how they're feeling so there is a mutual understanding of pregnancy prevention. Also, just getting educated on the facts and keeping those resources on standby, just in case you experience anxiety and need something to prove your thoughts wrong. I'm happy to provide all of our resources that I think could ease your anxiety. Please let me know if that's something you're interested in!
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by ailel »

Hi, Nicole.

Yes, my partner and I have strictly talked about pregnancy prevention since we both dont want to enter in having a responsibility. He did assure me that despite using condoms, he will not and did not ejaculate inside me. I also told him that I would be taking ECs to prevent possible meeting of sperm and egg.

Its my 4th day since I bled like I am having my monthly period. Complete with pimples, cravings, and medium to heavy flow with small clots. Is this caused by the pills or should I take a pt? When should I take an early pt that will ensure accurate results?
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, ailel

To answer your questions- Yes, those symptoms could be caused by the pill. Still, you could take a pregnancy test, especially if it would give you peace of mind. For an accurate test result, it is best to wait at least 14 days after the time of sexual contact that could have resulted in pregnancy. For you, I believe that would be fourteen days after the 6th, so the 20th.

There are two things I want to mention. Firstly, if it makes you both more comfortable, it isn't a bad idea for your boyfriend to use the withdrawal method. It is just important for your boyfriend to remember to withdraw properly while holding the base of the condom. Otherwise, the condom might be less effective at preventing pregnancy. Secondly, I wouldn't recommend using EC as a regular form of birth control, as it is meant for emergencies and isn't as effective as other methods of contraception. Also, as you've seen, the side effects can be difficult. Do you think you could access other forms of birth control?
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by ailel »

Hi, Latha.

So does this mean that the chances of me being/getting pregnant is not possible? Today is my predicted ovulation.

And yes, i am actually looking into going to birth control but I don't really like its hormonal side effects and I dont see myself doing the risk every so often now.

Also, can I ask something? Since I bled (is the correct term called withdrawal bleeding?) Due to the EC I took, will I still get my period for the month of october? I usually get them on the first week of the month (either thursday, friday, or saturday). And I know tracking apps are not really accurate, but it tells me that I should get my period on the 30th of september after placing all of my details. Should I expect for it to arrive early or later than the predicted date?
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Ailel

As Sofi said, we can't guarantee you aren't pregnant because it's been too soon to know and we're not medical professionals. You can know for sure that you aren't pregnant if you have a normal period or with a negative pregnancy test.
And yes, i am actually looking into going to birth control but I don't really like its hormonal side effects and I dont see myself doing the risk every so often now.
Ah, that makes sense. Would you like information about non-hormonal methods of birth control?
Also, can I ask something? Since I bled (is the correct term called withdrawal bleeding?) Due to the EC I took, will I still get my period for the month of october?
That is a good question! You could get your period for the month of October, it could be a bit late, or you may not get it. EC often throws people's cycles off for a month or two. (As I understand, withdrawal bleeding is vaginal bleeding that happens during a break from regular birth control)
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by ailel »

Hello, Latha.

Yes please, I would like to have information about non-hormonal birth control. I don't know if I am overthinking that I am pregnant or is it because of the EC/hormonal imbalance since I am experiencing hair loss.

I have two more questions actually.

1. I am not that anxious compared to my previous preganancy scare last year. I don't know why but for context, I had my first sexual encounter last year and the condoms broke but he did not come. We also did it a few days after my period and no EC was used. I was anxious for months and took a test almost monthly for six months. Compared to now, I am still anxious but not that much. Is this because I made sure to take proper precautions like condoms and took an EC. What are your thoughts on this? Because my friends who are also sexually active tells me not to worry since they only use condoms as protection compared to me who used the condom + EC method.

2. I am still overthinking and I want to be prepared. Abortion is illegal in my country and medical abortion can only be done if a OB-GYN prescribes the meds needed for the abortion due to complications in a fetus (I know this because I just realized that my own mother did this since she had complications in one of her pregnancies and had to do medical abortion at home). Are there any organizations that can secretly deliver here in my country medical abortion pills in case I am (but not manifesting) pregnant? How much could they be?

Thank you for this platform. You guys ease my anxiety. I'll update you guys on my test on the 20th. And also some time around my predicted period.
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Re: Implantation Bleeding or 'Early' Period?

Unread post by Latha »

Okay, so non-hormonal methods of birth control include condoms and withdrawal, which you're already using, along with cervical barriers, copper IUDs, contraceptive sponges, and spermicides.

1. I do think taking precautions could be what has made you feel less anxious. About your friends: they may be comfortable with different levels of risk then you are. Too, perhaps they don't know or haven't thought about the effectiveness of different forms of birth control. If you think it is a good idea, you could talk to them about it, or pass on this article: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

2. It isn't bad to want to be prepared, especially if you know it will be difficult to obtain an abortion. Admittedly, I'm not sure about this- would you be comfortable telling us what country you're from? We can try to look into it.

I'm glad this place has helped you!
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