Dry Humping & Period

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Dry Humping & Period

Unread post by avalanche »


it's my first time here, sorry i just wanna ask about something, so on 17th December last year, me and my gf dry humping together fully clothed ( 3 layers ) she's rubbing her v onto my p , i'm wearing an underwear & my gf had pants and underwear, i did ejaculate and it little bit soaked through my underwear into my gf pants, i believe her pants a little bit thin, and i'm afraid the fluid would soak through her panty but 10 days after we both doing it, my gf had her period on 26th and only a few brown spots came out but on the 27th, 28th she said it's normal bleeding, like her previous menstrual cycle and on the 29th it came back to only a few brown spots, idk if it's normal period or not, i'm a little bit anxious about this, could she be pregnant or was that an implantation bleeding? and 3 days after her period finished she felt lower back pain until now,

i'm sorry about my bad english but again, thank you so much, hope this could relieve me a little bit.
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Re: Dry Humping & Period

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Avalanche, welcome to the boards!

Don't worry, your girlfriend could not be pregnant. First of all, sperm cannot travel through multiple layers of clothes, and secondly, the fact that she got her period is a good indication that she isn't pregnant. It is common for someone to have lighter flow during the first and last days of their period, and experiencing back pain isn't a good indicator of pregnancy.

P.S. You don't need to apologize for your language- it is good, and I understood you just fine.
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Re: Dry Humping & Period

Unread post by avalanche »

Thanks for the reply, i know but my anxiety always freaked me out about this dry humping, cause i read some article or even there is a case someone get pregnant from this, could she get pregnant after her period without having any sex? Do i have to get pregnancy test ? Cause my gf to scared for pregnancy test, I already ask several professional , some said it could be pregnant but a very very small chance and some said it couldn't and it's normal period, didn't need for pregnancy test, for next time i swear & promise to her i'll not do any sex activity untill we both married.
Sam W
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Re: Dry Humping & Period

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi avalanche,

As Latha said, dry humping, or any sexual activity where at least one person has on at least one layer of clothing cannot pose a pregnancy risk. Beyond that, your girlfriend has had a period, which is an extra sign that she is not pregnant, so a pregnancy test is not necessary (though having a negative result staring you in the face might help soothe that remaining anxiety). I think dialing back sexual activity to a level where you feel more comfortable is a wise choice to make given how much anxiety this is causing you.

If you're still feeling anxious, your next step is to read through this piece, which we wrote specifically for people experiencing pregnancy fears: The Pregnancy Panic Companion
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Re: Dry Humping & Period

Unread post by avalanche »

so it's safe, right? even i'm ejaculated near the vagina and soaked through clothes ( 3 thin layer ) ? and one more, she's not going pregnant right if after her period without sex despite she got her period 10 days after we both doing it and she finished her period in about 3/4 days, sorry i just want to make sure about this.
Sam W
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Re: Dry Humping & Period

Unread post by Sam W »

Yes, as we've said, and you can read in that article I linked you, there was no risk here. Since we've told you all we can on this topic, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread. You're welcome to ask more questions on the boards, but I'm going to ask that you not make any more posts asking us for reassurance about this situation, as while that kind of behavior can feel like it's helping, what it's actually doing is keeping you locked in an anxiety spiral.
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