Experience in group sex

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Experience in group sex

Unread post by mika.m »

Has anyone experienced in group sex or orgy? And can someone explain how was that?
And is it normal and natural to do?
I don't want to have it for now but I like to do it a day
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Re: Experience in group sex

Unread post by StephR »

Hi mika.m,

Well, I can tell you that group sex is absolutely normal and natural. Not only is it practiced by several other species of animals, but references to group sex have been found in ancient Roman and Egyptian literature and art. So we know that humans are not the only species who has group sex, and that we have been doing it for thousands of years!
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Re: Experience in group sex

Unread post by mika.m »

Oh that's really old
In the old days, was group sex about some couple who fuck with their own partner or something complex?
And is there any advice before doing it?
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Re: Experience in group sex

Unread post by Andy »

Hi there,

Unfortunately I’m not an expert or history nor can I speak for the people who were doing it back then. But given there were a lot of them so probably a lot of sex was happening I suppose there were also a lot of reasons for them to do it. Just like various people have various reasons to do it now.

As for advice, all the basic important stuff about how to have safe and pleasurable sex applies no matter the number of partners (would you like some resources about safer sex in general?). However, the more people are involved, the more communication before, during and after is needed,and I mean a LOT more. Things that might need to be talk about more include making sure everyone’s boundaries are known and will be respected, planning to have enough supplies like condoms or lube, making sure everyone is on the same page about what they want from the experience etc.
Another thing to keep in might is that more people also equals bigger STIs transmission risks, so this is where even more planning and communication steps in.

Does that answer your question?
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Re: Experience in group sex

Unread post by mika.m »

Oh thanks, that was helpful and enough
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Re: Experience in group sex

Unread post by Heather »

I do want to add a thing!

Group sex is going to vary just as much -- if not more so -- as sex with any one given partner is. I say even more so because more people partnered with more people = exponentially more possible variation.

So, in a lot of ways, asking someone what their group sex experiences were like to try and sort out what it's like is going to be about as valuable as asking someone what their sexual experience with a single partner was like. The answers are going to vary very, very widely.

That given, with a question like this, it's probably more helpful to think about what kind of information it is you're actually looking for, and what you're looking for it for.
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