Loss of Sensitivity(?)

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Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by CasWasHere »

I(14) don't really know what to do at this point. To explain, even when Im aroused or if I touch it, my clit doesn’t get, well, big like it’s supposed to. It stays small, and when touched, it doesnt feel as good as it used to. I havent had a full self-love session in almost two weeks, hoping I’d get sensitivity back but nothing. Is this a possible health issue? I tried googling things, but clitoral atrophy is usually for those suffering from menopause. Im not sure how I should bring this up to my guardians or if I should go to the doctor. I don’t know, Im just scared. I havent even engaged in any type of intimacy with anyone before and Im afraid Im already ruined. Any advice is welcome, thank you.
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Re: Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hey CasWasHere,

First and foremost, you aren't ruined! Every body (and everybody!) is different. I understand it can be scary when you feel like you can't control your body. When you say your clit doesn't get big 'like it's supposed to', do you mean that in your personal self-love sessions your clit has in the past, or are you basing this off of what you think should happen?

It could be a potential health issue but I believe it's way more likely that your body may just be 'bored' of your routine. Are you treating your sessions like a chore or routine? You may want to consider mixing things up a bit to find what works for you and your body. Here is an article that you may find helpful! Please feel free to ask any more questions and/or let us know if you'd like more information.
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Re: Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by CasWasHere »

Hey, thanks! What I mean is, typically when aroused (and this has been true for me in the past), the clit swells due to blood flow and other things. Although, recently this has not been happening for me. I was wondering if that is a medical thing and the possible solutions! I do think that should happen, as it was has happened before and it is how the body works. Now that it doesnt happen, I worry something is wrong. Again, thank you for your time.
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Re: Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi CasWasHere,

Unless you've recently started a new medication that could have sexual side effects, I suspect this isn't a underlying medical issue and is more some combination of maybe being in a rut with masturbation and/or being in a headspace that makes it less pleasurable overall. When you've tried masturbating since you noticed this, do you feel like a lot of your attention is on whether or not your clitoris is acting like it used to or how you hope it will?
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Re: Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by CasWasHere »

I suppose so, I guess Im just not in the headspace to enjoy it? I have a few mental health things going on, so it could be that. It’s just harder to find enjoyment in it, like I do it to relax, and then I don’t get there, and it’s just even more frustrating. Sorry for taking so long to respond, still no luck, but I guess it’s fine. Im not really feeling it.
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Re: Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by CasWasHere »

Sorry, forgot mention this earlier, Im just used to doing things a specific way, so I suppose it’s frustrating when the way I used to do it brings no release. Feels like Im relearning my whole body.
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Re: Loss of Sensitivity(?)

Unread post by Willa »

Hi CaswasHere,

Many things can effect libido and sexual response, one being our mental health. Changes such as increased feelings of anxiety or depression can affect other things such as our sleep and eating patterns, all of which can have effects on our bodies. When these changes happen it can be very frustrating, like you said, to have to relearn yourself again. In reality many people go through phases and seasons with their sexuality and what feels pleasurable to them. What felt good for a while may suddenly not feel as good as something else later on down the road. Does that all make sense?
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