
Questions and discussion about pregnancy, pregnancy options and/or any part of parenting.
Forum rules

Please do not wait on us if you may need or want EC (like the morning-after pill). Because it is most effective the sooner it is taken or administered, we suggest that you go ahead and get it, and if you want to talk to someone about whether or not you choose to use it, we can do that with you after. That way, you have it ASAP if you do decide you want or need to use it. <3
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Unread post by StellaOs »

Hurts to say this but I have made an appointment for an abortion on August 3rd. I was going to do the medical abortion but I was afraid of the side effects to it and trying to stay at work and keeping it a secret at the same time, also I wasn't really sure if I wanted to end it or not. Now I have decided on doing the abortion but I have to drive 8 hours to Kansas to get it done and I'll be up there for two nights because they say I could be in the clinic all day just waiting around. I did get a nice hotel around the corner from the clinic this way i don't have to drive the afternoon.
I know abortion is a normal thing but I never expected for me to have to get one. I still haven't told anybody, I think I know what guy got me pregnant but I haven't told him because maybe it wasn't him.
It's been fun living here with this group but maybe I should leave? I am more open about my life and my body and I am super comfortable with my lifestyle BUT pregnancy was never part of the plan. Will my mind be okay to come back?
I'm worried that I'm going to change my mind, this long 8 hour drive will make me think twice on everything. Maybe my girlfriend will support me and go with me and yet maybe she would be the opposite. I wish I knew.
Sam W
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Age: 33
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Re: Abortion

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi StellaOs,

It's really common for people who have or need abortions to also be grappling with the feeling of "I never expected this to happen." On top of that, you're in a state where you have to add an 8 hour drive into the mix, which is an added level of burden that, in a fair world, you wouldn't have to navigate. So I completely understand how this might make you feel unsure of how it will go, or how you'll feel afterwards.

How can we best support you around this? That could be talking through how to ask a friend to join you, or telling your housemates what you're dealing with, talking about how to take care of yourself before, during, and after the procedure, or whatever else would be helpful.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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