are baby wipes safe to clean a toy with?

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are baby wipes safe to clean a toy with?

Unread post by axolotlperson »

i sleep on the top of a bunk bed (the bottom is a couch) and after i use my toy i don’t really have anywhere to put it, and right after i definitely don’t feel like immediately dressing myself again and climbing down to wash it with soap and water, so i was wondering if baby wipes would work? would it clean it enough or would i have to also wash it with soap and water before it’s safe to use again?
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Re: are baby wipes safe to clean a toy with?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Axolotlperson!

You can use fragrance-free baby wipes as a temporary measure, but it is still best to wash toys with soap and water before you put them away. (In addition, if the toy doesn't vibrate and is made of glass, silicone, or steel, you could also boil it for 3–4 minutes to fully disinfect it.)
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