Is getting fissures on the head of my penis normal?

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Is getting fissures on the head of my penis normal?

Unread post by psysharm »

I've noticed that for several months now, the top of my penis(the head) has been looking unusual. I'm circumsized, and going through puberty as I'm 14. I noticed that the head, which is usually relatively smooth, now has what looks like wrinkles. However, after closer inspection, they look like small fissures which vertically line the head. I'm not sure if this is normal, a part of puberty, or a medical problem, but I figured I'd ask to check. I've also noticed that the head seems to be more delicate.
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Re: Is getting fissures on the head of my penis normal?

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hey psysharm, welcome to Scarleteen!

I have a few questions for you regarding these fissures. Are they painful in any way, or itchy? Is urination painful and/or have you experienced any burning sensations? And what do you mean by delicate?

In terms of possibilities, if your answer for the above questions about pain is 'no', it may be keratinization of your glans. Without your foreskin, your penile glans are exposed and may rub against your clothes which can result in what is basically a 'callus'. This is not inherently bad or dangerous, but make sure that these aren't causing you pain or inhibiting your life in any way. It's also possible for your penis to have stretch marks, just like any other part of your body! Here are two articles you may want to check out to learn more about your anatomy; Innies & Outies and A Foreskin Foray.
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