I have a feedism fetish and my mom hates it

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I have a feedism fetish and my mom hates it

Unread post by KittyLilith »

Im not terribly skinny and my mom wants me to lose weight and keeps blaming my health issues on my weight when they were there before i gained weight from my illnesses. im trying to slowly gain some more but my mom thinks i need to lose weight to be healthy and loved. i feel complexed about my fetish as i know its a part of me but theres a stigma of being fat.

i am 18 and should be getting a job and eventually go to college soon.
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Re: I have a feedism fetish and my mom hates it

Unread post by Heather »

Hey there, Kitty.

So, you're a legal adult, which means that all of your healthcare decisions are now as fully your own as they get. You're right, there is a ton of anti-fat attitude in our world, and even the idea that losing weight is the answer to solving health issues is often more based in bias than in science. Science actually tends to bear out that dieting, in particular, is more often responsible for health issues than helpful.

Do you like the healthcare providers that you see for whatever your health issues are? Do any of them feel like someone you could talk to about your body and get advice, without stigma, about what's best for your health right now? For the record, patients always have the right to ask healthcare providers to have talks like that WITHOUT talking about, or even taking, your weight.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: I have a feedism fetish and my mom hates it

Unread post by KittyLilith »

I like most of them and yeah I feel I could talk to some of them. Thanks very much!
scarleteen founder & director
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Re: I have a feedism fetish and my mom hates it

Unread post by Heather »

Oh, that's such a relief to hear. Often, that's not the answer that people have about their providers.

Happy to help if you need any help fine-tuning what to talk with them about or how to do it, just drop another post here and I'll be on it. If not, I hope these conversations go well.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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