Is my penis unusually big for my age, or small?

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Is my penis unusually big for my age, or small?

Unread post by KollecterJ »

So basically I'm about to turn 13 in a week and my penis is about 5.4 to 5.9 inches long when fully erected. And in locker rooms I'm usually one of the biggest guys in there and I just want to know if something is off about my size.
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: Is my penis unusually big for my age, or small?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi KollectorJ, welcome to the boards!

Don't worry, there is nothing off about your size. I would probably say the same thing even if you were a different size — so long as you are not hurt, your body is probably fine as it is.

I think I can understand the sort of thought process that might lead you to go from noticing a difference between you and your peers to wondering if that means there is something wrong with you. We are social creatures, so this is a pretty natural impulse. It might be helpful two remember two things here. First, different doesn't mean bad. Second, the people you see in a locker room are a pretty small sample. There are a lot of people in the world, which means there are many people with any trait that you can imagine, even if it seems uncommon to you.

We have an article about penis size that answers more questions: Shown Actual Size: A Penis Shape & Size Lowdown

I want to check: your profile lists a different age than the one you've given in this post — would you confirm which one is accurate?
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