I feel like I deserve to die.

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Hi :)
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I feel like I deserve to die.

Unread post by Hi :) »

I’m 17 now, but a few years ago (when I was 15 I think) I said something really terrible and now I can’t stop feeling like I deserve to die.

Basically, me and my little sister (both autistic) were fighting and I called her the r slur because she punched me in the back of the head. I knew it was a slur at this point in my life but I thought it was okay for me to use it because I’m autistic, too.

A half hour or so after the incident I decided to apologize to her because, even though I didn’t call her that because she’s autistic, I wasn’t sure if she was okay being called that word as an autistic person and I was afraid I might’ve offended her. After that we kind of just moved on and I forgot about it until about a week ago.

Now I feel so guilty about it. I haven’t been able to shower or go to school for like the whole week because I keep on thinking that I deserve to die. I don’t want to have to kill myself, but I’m afraid people will think what I did was unforgivable and that I’ll never deserve to have a happy future because of it. I don’t know what to do. I really don’t want to have to die before I’m even a legal adult.
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Re: I feel like I deserve to die.

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi :),

Before you continue with us here, can you take time to call one of the hotlines here and talk to someone: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/ ... signs.html? I ask that because someone feeling suicidal or that they have to/deserve to die isn't something we're equipped to help with, and I want you to get the support that's best suited to what you need right now, okay? We'll still be here after that call if you want to talk about things like where you are in terms of finding/working with a therapist.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: I feel like I deserve to die.

Unread post by Hi :) »

Okay. I kind of really just want somebody else’s perspective on what happened. Like did I handle the situation correctly? Is there anything else I can do? And does this make me a bad person?
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Re: I feel like I deserve to die.

Unread post by Willa »

hi hi,

I can tell this causing you an extreme amount of distress. It seems from your posts here you have a history with ruminating on whether your past actions make you a good or bad person. I want to tell you that every single person has done things they are not proud of, especially when they are younger. It is about learning from these experiences and growing from them that is most important. It is obvious you feel an extreme amount of remorse from this situation, and now know that that word is extremely unkind and hurtful. Your sister may not remember the situation, but you still could talk to her if you feel comfortable enough to apologize for your mistake.

That being said the level of guilt you are feeling and your actions because of it are not healthy, as well as not helpful to you or your sister. You have mentioned you suspect you may have OCD, and I was wondering if you have been able to receive care for this? Or if you would be interested in being connected to some resources? When you get caught in these intense moments of anxiety about specific situations, there are steps we can take to calm ourselves down and reflect on how our brains may be telling us lies such as the fact we are totally bad people or no one will ever forgive us.
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Re: I feel like I deserve to die.

Unread post by pinkplatypus »


Sometimes it is hard to let things go, especially when you are neurodivergent and our brains struggle a little more with that. I know you hurt your little sister, but you may apologize, which is all you can do. As long as you don’t do it again, you are holding up the apology. If she forgives you, then perfect! If she doesn’t, it isn’t on you anymore. It is more so that she might need space to process. But as long as you apologized, you have made up for what you have done. It seems crazy that two simple words can grant so much kindness, but you are deserving of that love, no matter what you say or do or have said and done. It may be a journey, but eventually you will find peace. The world needs you in it, no matter what. You are deserving of love, and you are a good person. Want to know why? Because you have distinguished your right from wrong and made up for it by apologizing, which is the ultimate powerful love giver move. In life, we must make mistakes in order to learn from them to become better people. Nobody is perfect, but everybody (including even people in jail!) is deserving of love as long as they have apologized. Now it is up to you to begin the process of forgiveness.
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Re: I feel like I deserve to die.

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi pinkplatypus,

Just a note that this thread is over year old, and we want to be careful not to bump old threads when the original poster may have already moved on etc. You've also brought in a number of new points, which risks us going off topic - so I'm just going to lock the thread to avoid all that.

You're more than welcome to start your own new topics on the things you want to talk about!
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Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You

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