Masturbating wrong..?

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Masturbating wrong..?

Unread post by Aurora »

Hi! I’m a uni student that has recently become aware that maybe my masturbation method is not so normal. I’m still a virgin so I have a lot of inexperience in every department. This is where the questions starts. I can’t seem to enjoy the usual stuff? Playing with my clit just gives my nerves a weird feeling, but not a good one. While inserting anything into me just makes me feel meh. The only form I can pleasure myself is by being on my stomach and with a fisted hand press down just over my pubic area. Constant pressure is the only thing that will make me feel good. It’s become concerning because I really do not get my body? And I’m worried how this will affect my future experiences. I would liked some feedback on if this is normal, if anyone does it, or someone explain to me what is making it feel good?😭 Appreciate and have a nice day.
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Re: Masturbating wrong..?

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hi Aurora, welcome to Scarleteen!

First off, there is no way to masturbate wrong unless you're hurting yourself unwillingly. What you describe actually has science behind it! When you press your fist down over your pubic area like that, you may be stimulating your G-spot (a part of the clitoral anatomy that is internal). You are definitely not the only one to masturbate like this, either! It won't impact your future experiences beyond informing you on what works for you and what doesn't.
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