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Unread post by lmd »


I think I'd like to chat to get some help... When is it available?

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Unread post by HannahP »

Hi Imd!

I will let the team know about your message and someone will respond to you tomorrow to schedule a time with you!
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Unread post by lmd »

Thanks a lot
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Unread post by KierC »

Hey lmd!

Thank you for your message about requesting to use chat! Could you tell me a little about what you’re looking to use chat for first? That will help us determine if we might be able to help you sooner here on the boards. :)
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Unread post by lmd »

Gawd... it's just I try to have fun, if it makes sense... and it's not easy... I feel overwhelmed and stuck... and not sure what to do. I don't know what an orgasm is...

I doubt a lot and I am not sure what to do with my fingers, even tho I read a lot of the articles here and I try, but I feel nervous and mentally frozen... I bought a vibrator cuz I read a girl here solved it using one... but I am not brave to use it...

Idk what to do...
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Unread post by Heather »

Thanks for filling us in. So, how about we get started here by sharing some information we have on the site that can answer some of these questions?

This one is a good, very basic explanation of one framework for the human sexual response cycle, including orgasm: ... sers-guide

If you're cisgender, this one might help answer more questions about it and help with what you're looking for from orgasm: ... nder-women

There's really no one way for anyone to masturbate, there's just anyone doing a lot of experimenting and exploring. In other words, you touch yourself in different places, different ways, see what feels good and what doesn't, and take it from there. Too, you never want to aim for orgasm or focus on it. Orgasm only lasts a few seconds, in the first place, it's everything leading up to it and around it that's where the really good stuff lies, in just experiencing pleasure, with or without orgasm. Orgasm also tends to be something that isn't easy to have happen when someone is hyperfocused on it. You kind of need to make yourself not care about it and just focus on what feels good.

With your vibrator, what do you think has you scared about using it? How about first just using it on your hand to feel how it feels on an area that isn't your genitals?
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Unread post by lmd »


I read those articles already... I think it's just me being childish and not brave at all to do things, to keep going and let it go and so... I get stuck trying and I doubt a lot. I know the theory but the practice is not easy for me. When I start, it's kinda okay, until I start feeling more and I feel nervous and I give up.

I read the post here from a girl, around my age, with similar issues, who used a vibrator and it worked for her. I wanted to try that but I feel scared about going inside... it vibrates too much...

I don't know. I guess it's me being too scared but I am not sure how to move forward and encourage myself somehow to try more...

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Unread post by AarijA »

Hey lmd,
It sounds like you're feeling pressure to enjoy masturbation right away. As Heather said, there's no one way to do this and I'll add that there's no deadline for figuring out what works for you. It can take folks anywhere from days to years to find a self pleasure practice that meets their needs.

I hear that the sensations you're experiencing get overwhelming, which is why you stop. That is perfectly ok. It's also ok to find a level of sensation that you're enjoying, and just try to stay there a while. Don't push yourself further along. You can even experiment with pausing when you feel too much and resuming once things have settled down.

Basically, just keep practicing!

It may also help to ask yourself; why are you masturbating? Is that desire coming from yourself, or another source?
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Unread post by lmd »

Hi, thanks.

When I tried and it starts to feel a lot, it's overwhelming and scary for me... Do you mean trying to stay there for a while when I feel a lot? I don't think I could tbh...

I know friends do it... and well, it's not about pressure or anything... but I guess I want to know how it is, how it feels... out of curiosity...

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Unread post by Latha »

Hi lmd!

I think Aarij was saying that you could find a place that feels good but not overwhelming or scary and stay there for a while, not that you should stay in a place that feels like too much. And that isn't the only option — you can always take breaks or move to a different activity. If genital masturbation is a lot, you could try exploring erogenous areas on other parts of the body.

I'm glad to hear that you don't feel pressure! Curiosity is not a bad reason to explore masturbation at all — just remember that whether or how you masturbate has no bearing on your maturity or how brave you are.
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Unread post by lmd »


I appreciate your help. I tried.. or kinda tried.. following your instructions and suggestions..

But I feel stuck. I want to move forward but it's difficult for me..

Is it possible to have a chat with another girl.. experienced if possible.. to help me get some confidence?

Thanks.. sorry about this... I feel so stupid and childish..
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Unread post by HannahP »

Hi Imd!

Our chat service is closed for today, but I'm a girl/woman, and I would be happy to talk with you here on the boards tonight! How does that sound? Would you like to tell me about what feels so scary and overwhelming?
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Unread post by lmd »

Hi Hannah. Thanks a lot..

I am a mess... I want to move forward and explore, learn, try.. But everything is overwhelming for me..

And these things even more.. Idk what to do..

Can we chat privately if u don't mind?

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Unread post by HannahP »

We don't have the staff available tonight to be able to open the chat services, unfortunately! However, it will be open on Thursday, from 3 - 6 PM (CST).
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Unread post by lmd »

Thanks a lot.. I will try to be here when it's available,,,

Hopefully, I'll have enough time to chat...(not freaking out...)
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Unread post by HannahP »

If that day doesn't work for you, we can work with you to schedule a time that will! But I also want to let you know that as long as "Imd" is a name that you only use here on our boards, that means that this conversation is completely anonymous, even though it's not private. So if you are feeling anxious and want to talk about things right now, talking about them here might be a good compromise for tonight!
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