is it normal for my vagina to taste like lemons?

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is it normal for my vagina to taste like lemons?

Unread post by shoelaces99 »

hiya! so for the past year around the week before my period, I've started oozing this whiteish liquid. around the same consistency as piss, very much not the same colour, and I have no control over when I release it. its a kinda cloudy white.

anyways, being the curious George wannabe I am, I tasted it, and genuinely? its lemons. it tastes sour with a mildly bad after taste. very, very, sour. I mean theres worse things for it to taste like, I think? I like sour stuff? if all vagina-ooze things taste like lemons I'm gonna be having a field day once I'm a little older.

I eat a lot of sour stuff, could that be it? oh, right, first time I tasted it was about a year ago, it still very much tastes like lemons.

do I have an infection? do I just eat a lot of lemons? send help
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Re: is it normal for my vagina to taste like lemons?

Unread post by Heather »

Hey there!

So, the vagina is an acidic place by design, as are its secretions. So it is normal for vaginal fluids to taste on the acid side, for sure. (And that's not about what you eat, because the digestive system and the vagina aren't connected. It's about the vaginal environment needing to be on the acidic side to keep it from infections and yeast overgrowth.)

It's also normal to have whiteish discharge right around this time in your cycle (between ovulation and your period). It may be that you either didn't notice it until now or that where you're at in puberty is such that you didn't start getting a noticeable amount of it until now.

What we can't speak for is whether or not you have a vaginal infection. From these things alone, it doesn't sound lie it, but that's still ultimately something only a healthcare provider who can examine you in person can say for sure.

For more on vaginal fluids, you can also take a look at this piece: ... secretions
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