is this normal pain

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is this normal pain

Unread post by loreleimamas69 »

for as long as i can remember my periods have been all fucky. my third period when i was 11 lasted 2 months, heavy the whole time. i have cramps every time, before, during, and after. it feels like my entire body is being weighed down through my legs. like my intestines are gonna fall out my ass. my tailbone and end of my spine also feels like its been hit with a lead pipe and shattered. every so often i'll get cramp episodes, accompanied with stomach pain and constipation so bad im in agony. the cramps during these (sometimes these episodes are every month sometimes it skips months but i ALWAYS bleed and ALWAYS cramp every month.) feel like im in labor/being murdered. i have visions of performing hysterectomies on myself. i usually end up on the verge of passing out. the extreme, disabling pain stage of these can last 1-4 hours, after that it still hurts but i no longer want to die. i live in fear of my periods because of this. some people have asked about me getting an endometriosis diagnosis, but i always thought endo was worse than this and more often. also i thought endo was excess skin cell growing outside your uterus, i dont know if the pain is OUTSIDE of it. would i be able to tell? also, wouldnt it be specific pain? i just feel general pain in my uterus. i don't really know what to do anymore.
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Re: is this normal pain

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi loreleimamas69, welcome to the boards!

This does sound like it very well may be endometriosis - I have it too, and it is just overall pain, not specific to one place but all around the uterus, ovaries, sometimes my lower back, etc. We can't diagnose you or say for certain, so I definitely recommend seeing a GYN about this. Period cramps aren't supposed to hurt that much, so it's good to see a healthcare professional because there ARE things you can do and/or take to ease the pain and make it a little more tolerable. Do you have access to a GYN or could you ask your parents to make you an appointment?
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Re: is this normal pain

Unread post by loreleimamas69 »

Sofi wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 3:55 pm Hi loreleimamas69, welcome to the boards!

This does sound like it very well may be endometriosis - I have it too, and it is just overall pain, not specific to one place but all around the uterus, ovaries, sometimes my lower back, etc. We can't diagnose you or say for certain, so I definitely recommend seeing a GYN about this. Period cramps aren't supposed to hurt that much, so it's good to see a healthcare professional because there ARE things you can do and/or take to ease the pain and make it a little more tolerable. Do you have access to a GYN or could you ask your parents to make you an appointment?
thanks, i mostly was asking just to see if i was being dramatic or i should actually talk to a gyn. because i've had several ob/gyn appointments since i was young due to all of these issues surrounding periods. i didn't want to waste their time if these were normal cramps.
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Re: is this normal pain

Unread post by KierC »

Hi Loreleimamas69,

You’re not being dramatic! It sounds like you’ve been experiencing some serious pain, and you deserve to be seen by a medical professional and have that pain taken seriously. You said you’ve had several appointments before with an ob/gyn — have you discussed this pain with your doctor before; if not, would you feel comfortable bringing up this concern at an appointment?
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Re: is this normal pain

Unread post by loreleimamas69 »

KierC wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 4:15 pm Hi Loreleimamas69,

You’re not being dramatic! It sounds like you’ve been experiencing some serious pain, and you deserve to be seen by a medical professional and have that pain taken seriously. You said you’ve had several appointments before with an ob/gyn — have you discussed this pain with your doctor before; if not, would you feel comfortable bringing up this concern at an appointment?
yes i mean i had my first invasive obgyn exam at 11 :lol: they already know a lot. so yeah ill be making an appointment with them for this thanks
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