Tickling Fetish/Advice

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Tickling Fetish/Advice

Unread post by Idkwhy »

I’m a teenage male with a tickling fetish. I’ve had this for several years. It is a fetish where I am aroused by being tickled and or tickling someone else. It is mainly focused on feet tickling. The thought of being able to tickle torture someone feet or have them do it to me is by far my biggest turn on. I am embarrassed by it, I have a girlfriend who I know wouldn’t accept it and friends ik wouldn’t accept it. I want to get rid of it, and I’m looking for anyone out there who might know how to get rid of a fetish or just simply ignore it. Any advice will help.
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Re: Tickling Fetish/Advice

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there, idkwhy. I'm sorry that this is troubling you so much.

Not to be pedantic, but a fetish is a sexological term meant to describe when someone needs an object in order to experience sexual arousal. This doesn't sound like it's that for you, it instead simply sounds like something you are very turned on by and, separate from feeling ashamed of it, enjoy a lot. Do I have that right?

We can't make ourselves not be excited by things that we are, or not enjoy things that we do. But if you don't want to do those things, we can choose not to do them and instead choose to do other things instead. You can simply ignore it, by all means.

However, I also want to say that while maybe right now you don't know anyone else who would be into this or even be accepting, I hope you know there are other people out there who like and are aroused by tickling, as well as other people who are accepting of the wide range of things, tickling included, that are sexually exciting or satisfying for people.
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