I Can't Orgasm Anymore :(

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I Can't Orgasm Anymore :(

Unread post by CatGirl69 »

Hi everybody,

(content warning - brief mention of suicidal ideation)

(also, sorry, this is really long, but the context matters, and a lot of detail is included to fend off FAQs)

I'm a transgender woman, in my late 40s. I had my trans awakening about 3 years ago, and I've been on HRT for about 2.5 years, and had an orchiectomy 1.5 years ago. My current HRT regimen, which has remained pretty stable for 6-12 months, includes a moderate dose of estrogen and progesterone. My estrogen blood level is pretty normal for an adult woman.

My sexual history has been very active, but complicated. Well, for the first 40-something years of my life I thought I was a guy. I was pretty miserable and depressed most of the time, but sex was one thing that kept me going. No matter how confusing and frustrating the social world was, no matter how awkward I was with my "maleness," sex was one thing that worked for me, both single-player, and partnered sex.

I've been with my wife for almost 15 years, and our sex life has been pretty good. She has her own health challenges, and sometimes it's difficult for us to connect, but we manage. My transition has been a non-issue for her -- she realized some time ago that she's pansexual, and, well ... we've been able to confirm that as we've been intimate throughout my gender transition. :lol:

I've been on antidepressants for a good chunk of my adult life, usually an SSRI (fluoxetine/prozac for a while, then I switched to sertraline 10-15 years ago). The sexual side effects have been noticeable, but usually manageable. After an initial increase in dose, I'd have trouble "functioning" (eg, maintaining arousal, reaching orgasm), but then I'd more or less get used to it.

Since starting HRT, my body's sexual response has changed pretty significantly, as expected. My penis doesn't really care for being stroked or used to penetrate, but I've learned that it *does* like vibration. For the last couple years, that's the only way I've been able to orgasm is through vibration on the glans.

After my orchiectomy, my emotional state cratered. The working theory was that my hormones were going wacky from the sudden offlining of my natal T-producing gonads (it's a thing, apparently). Unfortunately, this led to a hospitalization for suicidal ideation (my mood was getting that low and unmanageable), and another increase in dose of sertraline.

Since then, my overall sexual response has become pretty muted, and orgasm has gotten harder and harder to achieve. I don't think I've had a decent orgasm in almost a year. I sometimes have little crappy pseudo-orgasms, where I feel the nice buildup, and maybe a little bit of typical ejaculate dribble, but no real "climax" or "release." Just, the "don't touch" sensitivity afterwards, and then .. I guess I'm done? Sometimes, I can't even get to the build-up portion ... it just ... doesn't respond.

This happens when I'm by myself or with my wife. When we have playtime, it feels amazing .. her touch, how she kisses me, how she makes me feel sexy and desired and loved and wanted . . my body delighting in her playing with my breasts, touching me gently, etc. I'm on fire with desire. Then I reach for my vibrator, and .... *crickets*. It doesn't matter if I try to have a "quickie" or if I take my time with a nice steady buildup. Once I / we get to the fun part .... *crickets*.

It's not that I *need* orgasm every time we have sex, but it's like ..,. can I get one at least once in a while? And I know there's more to life than orgasmic sex, but ... when I've been enjoying something regularly for most of my life, and then suddenly it's *gone* ... it's frustrating. It's sad. It's scary. I'm not ready to be done with my sex life. I wanna feel *good*, ya know?

I've sought out some resources, but they've been little help. A lot of it is generalities like "you gotta take it slow and communicate and learn what you like" (eg, "Girl Sex 101") or in the case of the "F---ing Trans Women" zine, a lot of "not for me" stuff (muffing? really?). How do I communicate what I like when *I* don't even know what I like, or if I even like *anything* anymore. :( I've tried different technical things -- vibrators, butt toys, prostate stimulation ... Nothing.

Dysphoria doesn't help any, either. I've come to realize that I *really don't want to have a penis anymore*. I don't like it, I never asked for it, and I *can't wait* for a month from now when I finally get vaginoplasty surgery. It's possible that a lot of this will resolve itself after I'm healed from that, and if/when I ever get to reduce my SSRI dose. But *geez*. It's really frustrating when I feel desire, when I want to feel good, I want to be a sexual person ... but I just can't.
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Re: I Can't Orgasm Anymore :(

Unread post by Heather »

Hey there, CatGirl. I can certainly understand how frustrated you're feeling around all this, and woof, it's clearly been a real journey on the whole, too. Kudos to you for keeping faithful and dedicated to what you want for yourself!

It's not likely the biggest comfort to know this, but just in case, it offers you something, the issues you're having with orgasm as a trans woman in transition are awfully common. From everything we know from personal and community anecdote, and then from what study there is, it does seem like it's most often a combo of, yep, the radical hormonal change (including changing from a more testosterone-rich body to a more estrogen-rich one and how the whole sexual response cycle can just feel so different for a lot of folks), the dysphoria, managing mental health and the impacts of some mental health meds, and thankfully, some things it doesn't sound like you are dealign with, like big changes inside sexual relationships.

I wonder how you might feel about two different possible options: 1) working with a trans-literate -- and even more ideally, a trans -- sexological bodyworker (for some basics on that, see here: https://sexologicalbodyworkers.org/whatis) and/or 2) kind of embarking on a journey to start as close to scratch as possible to effectively "learn" how to be orgasmic and experience sexual pleasure as if you were in your body and self completely anew? Per the latter, I'm thinking about things like dedicated time and space to all kinds of pleasure without the goal of orgasm, extending sexual pleasure of your whole body and self very intentionally, and a bunch of other things in this vein.

Do either of those things sound like good and accessible options for you?

Also, have you gotten your hands on a copy of Lucie Fielding's Trans Sex, yet? It's meant for clinicians, but it is written in an engaging way, and I think it might be helpful for you when it comes to exploring options with this and identifying some areas where you might be able to focus that could change how you're experiencing this for the better.
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Re: I Can't Orgasm Anymore :(

Unread post by CatGirl69 »

Thank you so much for the quick and kind response. You're an angel! <3

To answer your questions:

1. I had never heard of that before, and even after reading up, I'm still not sure I get it? Either way, the only person near me charges way more than I can afford. :(
2. I feel like I've already done a lot of re-exploration? Unless I missed a spot?
3. I think I've seen that book in stores. I'll give it a look.

Thanks again! <3
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