Questions on contraceptive pill

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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

I'm not saying the heavier discharge is due to the pill; I'm saying that fact that the patterns of your discharge are becoming more like they usually are, may be due to your body getting used to the pill. Make sense?

You seem very eager to keep talking and thinking about this. Any idea why could that be?
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Berry124 »

Oh ok sorry I was unsure what you meant I get it now, that does make sense. I dont know if im honest I just wanted to understand things that I wondered.
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Berry124 »

It's the first day if my pill free.week and I'm getting heavier discharge that stretches to about 2cm tops. I'm confused as to why I'm getting this, I thought my body was supposed to be producing less discharge by now, Ive had this since Tuesday then it went on Thursday and has come back, just wondering why is my body doing this? Is it still adjusting to the pill or ? It started near the end of my pill pack so is my body just adjusting to the pill now as I thought the pill was supposed to dry up discharge due to progesterone. I'm getting a few cramps aswell. Is this normal when I've just finished my third pill pack?
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Mo »

Hi Berry,

The answer to a lot of the questions you're asking here is simply "people react to new medications in a variety of ways, and we can't always know why."
But what seems to be happening here is that all the anxiety that was fueling your pregnancy risk questions earlier has been funneled into these worries and questions about how your body's reacting to the pill. And just like with the pregnancy risk questions, we can't treat that underlying anxiety and getting into a discussion about all these details with the pill isn't going to help the root of the problem either.

So really, all we can do at this point is keep referring you to some quality mental healthcare with someone who can help you identify and work through things that are causing you worry and anxiety.
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Berry124 »

I dont understand what my body is doing and I havent had a response for my anxiety yet and I handed the form in a while ago.
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Berry124 »

Hi, I was wondering after taking the pill for three months bleeds start to go back to what they used to be like before I started thepill which was 4-5 daysof bleeding. After the first month of the pills, the bleed was seven days straight red bleeding. Second month it was six days straight of bleeding and third month(few.week's ago) it was five days of red bleeding. My periods before the pill had been 4-5 days for a yr rarely 6 and hasn't been 7 in years. The bleeds lasted quite long and obviously that can be inconvenient so I wondered if they go back to my 'normal' cycle? I'm on my fourth lot of am Interested to see if it'll be four days this month. Also I seen to be gaining weight still.slowly since starting the pill will this subside or.continue as I don't overeat and never have much of an appetite. Thx
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Amanda »

Hi Berry,

It's hard to say what your body will do-- everyone is different; different pills and forms of hormonal birth control may affect people differently; bodies may respond differently over time. Typically birth control pill users will experience lighter periods, but your bleeding is not outside the range of what would be considered normal, so it's nothing to worry about, except for the fact that you find it bothersome. If you don't like the way your body is responding to a certain pill or form after trying it for several months, I would suggest consulting with a doctor to decide on something that may suit you better, even a different pill (they're not all the same!). To read more about a variety of birth control options check out our Birth Control Bingo! page. Regarding weight gain, studies seem to conflict on whether birth control pills actually cause weight gain-- recent studies seem to suggest that they do not, although many users do report weight changes within the first few months, mostly due to fluid retention ("water weight") that typically goes away. Weight gain is a complex process that involves a variety of factors, including but not limited to hormones. If the weight gain continues, or you have weight management concerns, talk to your doctor.
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Berry124 »

So what your saying is that if my bleeds are getting shorter in duration then thats sign normal for the pill, the bleeds have slowly reduced I track their regularity and did two years before I started the pill so I have learnt what my bleeds would be like. I have been using the pill for three month and am half way through my fourth months worth and I don't know what other methods would be suitable for ache and heaviness that don't stop bleeding as I would feel uncomfortable not bleeding as I don't's healthy to do so just not what I would want for my body. And other methods are like that or like the ring which have to be placed I to the vagina and I can't fit anything in without discomfort. I would have to ask my Dr who prescribed the pill to see what else there is even though I know and they'd need to be suitable.for my needs such as imbalance or sudden changes in hormones aggravate my ibs (which the pill stops as I don't ovulate and hormones change alot which caused problems)
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Heather »

You've answered yourself here: as we often suggest for you with posts like this, this is something where the person to have this conversation with is your healthcare providers.
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Berry124 »

Yeah, I need to run up with them as I haven't had a response for my anxiety yet. Also, Im still getting used to the pill and wondered if it was normal for my bleeds to be very watery compared to my periods when I wasn't taking the pill, which were a lot thicker. I know that the pill thins the lining which would be the reason as to why I don't see as much of the lining than before, just small parts instead of large pieces, but is it normal for it to be thinner the bleed? I just wondered. Read my patient booklet that came with he pill and it doesn't mention the bleed.
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Re: Questions on contraceptive pill

Unread post by Heather »

When inserts list common side effects -- and certainly, this is included in our basic information about the pill, which I know we have linked you to in the past -- they will usually mention shorter or lighter periods. This is what they mean.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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