Questions about masturbation

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Questions about masturbation

Unread post by aeazat »


I am 26 years old male. Single.

I do like to MB and do it quite often. I have the following questions.

- Can there be a negative health/physiological effects from edging without ejaculating, like if let's say I stroke my penis having pleasure but don't finish to the end?

- Can there be any negative physiological effects if sometimes I MB 2-3 times a day for several days in a row? Like usually I MB 5-7 times a week but some weeks it can be like 10-12 times, is it OK from health perspective? I don't get sore because of this.

- Sometimes I notice there is fluid coming out of my penis when aroused - is it normal/healthy thing to have?

- I do watch porn when masturbating - is it bad? Don't think I am addicted or anything - just spices things up but I am very discrete about using it

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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi aeazat,

So, when it comes to masturbation, as long as it's not causing you physical discomfort and you're not feeling as though it's a compulsive behavior (where you're doing it even though you don't really want to or enjoy it), then there's nothing to worry about. As for the fluids, what you're likely seeing is pre-ejaculate, which is normal.
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by aeazat »


sometimes i feel i just want to do it cause i am kinda anxious and want to get some psychological relief - is it normal?

it's like "recreational activity" for me.

I also tried to stop doing it for sometime but feel i get uncomfortable cause then i feel like I am having a discomfort with my body.
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by Sam W »

It's not uncommon for people to use masturbation as a quick stress relief, since it can release hormones that help lower stress. The time that might be a cause for concern is if you're using masturbation as your only or primary method of dealing with stressful issues (in other words, masturbation is not a substitute for, say, therapy).

When you say you have discomfort with your body when you stop, could you go into a little more detail about how that feels?
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by aeazat »

i mean i start feeling like i am not full boss of my body cause i can't do whatever i want whenever i want (i.e. MB in this particular case). like not doing it can make me be uncomfortable with girls cause i get uncomfortable with how my body reacts.

i think so far it plays adaptive/discrete role - so i want to do something else i don't prioritize it but if i want some relief i can do it.

is it normal?

also when u say it's too much when there is physical pain - u mean it's just because pain is uncomfortable right, but there are no other negative health effects?

Basically as long I want to do it/it doesn't take my time from other things in life i should be good to go, right?
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by aeazat »

PS I think the right name for this rule of doing it like keeping it "discrete, casual thing"
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by Heather »

Well, being unable to do whatever we want whenever we want with our bodies outside our private space isn't about not being the boss of our bodies, it's about what we do with our bodies being something others do or don't want to be part of.
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by aeazat »

what is that supposed to mean
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Re: Questions about masturbation

Unread post by Heather »

i mean i start feeling like i am not full boss of my body cause i can't do whatever i want whenever i want (i.e. MB in this particular case).
It means someone not being able to masturbate anywhere, anytime isn't usually about someone not being the boss of their body, but about someone living in the world where there are other people impacted by what we do.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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