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Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:02 pm
by Heather
Did you click on the link above? That's the link to that tool and will walk you right through it.

Per making sure you are alone -- that your mother doesn't come with you -- in the exam room, you have a few options:
1) You can ask her -- probably best to do right as you are about to go into your exam, since she'll be less likely to pitch a fit in front of people than at home -- to wait for you in the waiting room while you have your exam.
2) You can go up to the receptionist and tell them you want a private exam, so ask them to leave a note for whoever calls you in to ask your mother to wait in the waiting room when they take you in.
3) If you do neither and she comes with you, when the doctor comes in, you can say out loud you'd like your mother to please step outside while you have your exam.

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:09 pm
by niayuki
I just began reading the link above, I'm using my phone to reply so it's way different than using a computer.

Sounds like a good idea. I'll let her know right when they call me. She might also be busy because my brother also has an appointment the same day with the same doctor.

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:14 pm
by Heather
Perfect. And if you have concerns about this doctor sharing any of your information with her, you can just ask them, before you say ANYTHING else, what their confidentiality polices are.

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:54 pm
by niayuki
I just read the link and I think I've decided that the combined pill might work best for me. Let's see what the doctor says this week :)

I'll make sure I ask right before anything is asked by her, thank you.

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:49 pm
by Heather
Happy to help. :)

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:32 am
by niayuki
I just got out of my appointment, everything went great!

The doctor gave me birth control and pain killers. I also had to get blood taken because they believe my period might have caused me anaemia, today in the afternoon I should get my results. Thank you for everything. :D

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:44 am
by Heather
That's such great news! :D Thanks so much for sharing it.

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:54 pm
by niayuki
Hi Heather, I was reading the instructions for the pills but I don't seem to understand. I want to know when I should take the first pill and which pill it's suppose to be. Right now I'm on day two of my period and the doctor told me to start taking the pills the Sunday after my period started but I checked and this Sunday I'll still be on my period so I don't know if I'm suppose to take it this Sunday or next Saunday... As you can see I'm a bit confused on how this works.

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:07 pm
by Heather
This is the Sunday! :) To start the pill best, you can EITHER:
- Start it on the very first day of a period, OR
- On the first Sunday after a period starts (so, this Sunday)

Which pill you start with will be the very first pill in your pack, which will usually be marked as one or day one. If that's still unclear, let me know which brand of pill it is and I can check for you. (Or, you can read the leaflet that comes with all pills, the patient instructions, and that should tell you.)

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:12 pm
by niayuki
Thank you for the quick response!

I'm going to be using MonoNessa. Great so on Sunday I'll take the first pill but on Monday even though that's the day my period ends I still have to take the regular pills or the green ones in the center?

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:21 pm
by Heather
I'll go look that up for you, but while I do, can you read the patient information leaflet that came with your pills?

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:26 pm
by Heather
Okay: so you should have a yellow, round pack, where the pills are in a disc in the middle. On that disc, the active pills (the white ones) are on the outside, and the placebos (the green) are on the inside.

You'll see that first day, at the top of the pack (and on back, there is one small opening that'll allow a single pill to be punched out and dispensed)y, and has a white pill. When you take that, the next day, you'll move that disc counter-clockwise, so the next pill, for Monday, is the next white pill that'll be to the right of the empty spot where you took Sunday's pill. Then, each day, you just keep moving the pack one over like that, taking the next pill. Once you finish all those white pills, that's when you take the green ones, starting a new pack -- same way, with the while pills, moving one over each day -- when you are all done with the green ones.

Make sense?

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:55 pm
by niayuki
Now it makes sense. The paper that came with the pill didn't explain it in a way I could understand, it's quiet confusing.

Thank you once again :)

Re: Ob/Gyn Help!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:49 pm
by Heather
Happy to be of help!