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Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:25 pm
by lucli
I absolutely agree. Actually we already talked about that and we're definitely taking a break from sex, as from last week. The only thing that worries him and me as well is how much sex affects me and why I can't let go of my worries (that's where u wish I was normal, and realice what really calls for a worry)

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:05 pm
by lucli
I agree, we already talked and we're taking a break. Thank you :) Know I have to work on my worries because they atart to affect my daily life.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:32 pm
by Mo
Sounds like a good idea to take a step back from any kind of sexual activity that's stressing you out! I know you've said elsewhere in this thread that you're not super comfortable with the idea of talking to a therapist or counselor, but I do think one could give you some helpful tools for tackling anxiety when it comes up - whether that's in relation to sex or to other things in your life. We do have some resources collected here: Anxiety and Other Mental Health Resources that might be worth a look, as well.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:52 pm
by lucli
Excelent thank you!!!
So it's safe to say it's all in my head right??
I also might need a break from internet because I'm reading that there's this new study from some university that says that women can ovulate twice in a cycle.. and I'm getting worried and stuff. And I hate it I feel like I need to breath again.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:03 pm
by lucli
Hi :-) I just bought a clear blue pregnancy test. It says i can test it as soon as 4 days before period. But I just had my period, does 14 days after risk still apply???

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:31 am
by Karyn
Yes, you want to wait until it's been at least 14 days. There's more information on pregnancy tests here: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests

Per managing your anxiety, these pieces are a good place to start and have suggestions that you can then build on with a therapist later if you want:
Self-Care a La Carte
Self-Care When It's Scary

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:41 pm
by lucli
Hi thank you!!!
I read your answer a bit late, today is day 12 since the day I had sex.

Test came negative.

I'll test again in 2 days so it'll be 14 (then it's reliable right?)

I also read that this is counting since conception? So if sperm live 5 days should I count differently, adding extra 5 days ?

Or it's ok if I test in 2 days and that's it.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:07 pm
by lucli
I'm also curious because I still Have mild cramps and egg white. I ding know if I'm ovulating? Or could it be something else?
Is that normal??

If everything is ok and Regular I should ovulate next Monday

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:14 pm
by Carmen
Hi Lucli,

As Karyn said, you want to wait a minimum of 14 days since sexual contact - and usually one can be fairly sure those results are accurate. However, to verify the results, if that is something you want to do, you can take another test the following week if your period has still not come.

And in regards to cramps and discharge (if that is what your are referring to) - there really is no 'normal.' Menstruation, discharge, and ovulation and period symptoms like cramps are all prone to fluctuation - and that is different for everyone. So there is no way we can place any one meaning onto those things.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:24 am
by lucli
Thank you :)
I know it must sound super silly but when is taking the pragnancy
test after 14 days ?

I had sex Saturday 4th, the test should be Friday 17th, Saturday 18th or Sunday 19th?

Do I count the day I had sex as number 1? Or is it from Saturday to Saturday? Or when you say at least 14 days does it mean I should wait till day 14 is over ?

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:10 pm
by Karyn
You'll want to test on Saturday the 18th, or any time after that. When we say wait at least 14 days, that means you can test on day 14, which would be Saturday the 18th in this case.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:39 pm
by lucli
Thanks :)!

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:40 pm
by Karyn
You're welcome. :)

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:25 am
by lucli
Hi :-)
Hope you're doing great. Thank you for the help.
I just took the pregnancy test and it came negative.

Can I leave it at that or do I need to retest ?

Anyway I do think I'm not pregnant, just wanted to ask you.

I did the test just like the instructions said. Except that I opened the test ( the individual package, not the actual test, I kept the lid on) and took no more than 30 seconds until I peed. Later I realized maybe I should have peed first and the open the package. Could that affect the result.
I hope not.

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:39 am
by lucli
I mean what does "use immediately mean after opening " mean ?

I was nervous and i couldn't pee right away. I did try to be as fast as I could though.

Opened the packaged pee in a cup, took off the lead of the test, dipped 5 seconds, placed it flat then I realized it was with the result window facing to the ground so I gently turned it over, waited 3 minutes and that was it it was negative.

Was that ok??

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:12 pm
by lucli
Please :)? Just so I can leave it and move on and close this conversation and thank you all in this forum for everything you've done for me and all the time you've invested in me

Re: Plan b questions

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:07 pm
by Eddie C
We already answered this question on your other thread, lucli. Ultimately is going to be up to you if with the information we already gave you you decide to move on. We now need to set a limit with you and any questions about this topic, not because we do not want to engage with you but because we know for experience that staying in the loop of a pregnancy scare is not going to do any good or benefit to you. If you want to keep talking about how to make choices that feel safer for you, and stand up to those choices, we can always do that.