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Re: People on Testosterone: Is Erectile Dysfunction possible?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:30 am
by Sam W
Hi Buddyboi,

That summary is helpful, thank you! I think you're on the right track with figuring out ways to let those feelings pass through and planning to address them at therapy . Acknowledging them and then letting them move on can help you feel less like they're this big thing hanging over your head. If it helps, you are definitely not the first person to have a period of time where it feels like your brain (and body) are going "SOMEBODY DATE ME." Which means you and your therapist have things to draw from as you develop tools to address that feeling.

With your question about orgasm, it does pretty much boil down to bodies varying in their reactions to things. Sometimes people find that the method they use to reach orgasm does seem to have an effect on how it feels, but plenty of orgasms will simply not be as intense as others because that's how your body is reacting that day.