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Re: I’m so confused about everything

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:06 pm
by Mo
We actually have a great article that goes over one woman's experiences with safer sex and partnering with other women, that you might find helpful for a perspective on how she navigated these issues with partners: Figuring Out How to Be a Lesbian Safer Sexpert.

In terms of the pain you're noticing after masturbation, it's pretty common for people to tense their muscles during masturbation or during orgasm, and sometimes that tension can result in tightness or pain afterwards. That might be what you're experiencing, although I can't be sure. Even if you are noticing some pain after masturbation, it's not a sign that you're causing yourself any serious or long-lasting harm, though.

Re: I’m so confused about everything

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:34 pm
by sky
It usually goes away after a day. Thank you. I didn’t know that about the tense thing.

You all are incredible

Re: I’m so confused about everything

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:45 pm
by Mo
We're just happy to help! :)

Re: I’m so confused about everything

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 8:51 pm
by sky
Hi everyone it’s me again (I changed my name because I’m nervous someone in my real life will see me as Mel and know it’s me since that’s my nickname, idk just an anxiety thing)

anyways, I have been re reading these because I need a reminder and it helps me feel understood.

I want to say I’m so sorry if I seemed mean to the lgbtq+ community I didn’t mean that at all.

I also want to say again I’m so sorry to heather. I’m sorry I said I want to die when it touches so close to home. I shouldn’t have said that at all but I did and I’m sorry. You’re so smart and kind and you didn’t deserve to have to read that. I’m sorry that you have been suicidal as well it’s so tough and I’m sending you love and light <3

Everyone else on here I hope you know how special you all are and you’ve all been so helpful and nice. <3

Re: I’m so confused about everything

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:05 am
by Siân
If going by sky on here makes you feel more comfortable then go for it!

I'm glad that rereading these is helpful to you, and it's wonderful to hear that we're appreciated.

Thanks for your apologies; it's okay, we understand. Lots of people struggle with fear and internalised homophobia related to their own sexuality and working through that is part of the process - you've been pretty open and respectful. If you are feeling suicidal, it is important to share that with someone so they can help, we're just not equipped to do more than point you to the right people for that <3

Re: I’m so confused about everything

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:03 pm
by Amanda F
Hey sky,

We are so happy to help! Please keep asking all your questions - that's what we are here for. I'm also sorry you've had to learn so much from the internet. Many of us were/are in the same boat, and your family members probably didn't get great sex education, or learn how to share what they knew with other, either. But that's why we are here to help. :) I hope you have a great day!