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Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:30 pm
by sky
Hey everyone.

I hate asking this question lol it’s awkward but, Does cranberry vitamins make your vagina smell/taste better? I can’t really find anything on it

Re: Cranberry?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 7:31 pm
by al
Hi sky,

There really isn't anything that has a guarantee to make sexual fluids or genitals smell or taste a certain way. There are some things that might have an effect on smell/taste, like regular bathing, wearing breathable clothing/underwear, limiting things like red meat/dairy/whatever, but they're really dependent on the person, their anatomy, and what's normal to them. Each person, each body, and each taste/smell is different, and will vary from day to day based on a lot of different factors.

However, I will say that there is a certain amount of "musky"/salty/sweaty smell/taste that comes along with genitals and sexual fluids (or really any bodily fluids!), because that's how the human body works. Vaginas and vulvas and penises and scrotums (scrotae?) are bound to have a smell to them just like any other body part that sits under layers of clothing all day and accumulates sweat and sludge. You can read more about this topic over at Out, Out Damn Smell!

Do you mind sharing what makes you ask about this? Are you feeling concerned about someone else's reaction to your body?

Re: Cranberry?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 7:37 pm
by sky
Thank you. I ask because I’m just nervous that when the time comes I’m gonna taste gross not that I know what it tastes like I but I read a lot of erotica and they often talk about the taste. I’m bi and so hopefully I’ll give oral to a woman at some point and I really don’t care about it on her because I wanna do it but like I’m just nervous as it for myself. Idk it’s kinda dumb isn’t it?

Re: Cranberry?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:15 pm
by sky
Also I’m an idiot. Is it the vagina that has the taste or the fluids?

Re: Cranberry?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:29 pm
by al
It's not dumb - it's a pretty common fear or insecurity among people with vaginas and vulvas. There's a long history of advertising and popular media shaming or making jokes about bodies and fluids and their natural look/taste/smell, especially around vulvas and vaginas. In fact, there's a whole line of products dedicated to "fixing" the issue of vaginal odor, in all sorts of floral scented sprays and wipes. But really, the vagina cleans itself, and it will tell you if it needs something, and otherwise, it's exactly as it needs to be.
As for other people's perceptions of it? It's totally possible that someone might not like your particular smell/taste, but that's not something you're in control over. To put it bluntly, if this person wants to have sex with something that smells like flowers or fruit, they can go have sex with flowers or a fruit. You have a real human body, and anyone that is in touch with their own real human body won't see your natural tastes and smells as flaws, but as a great part of the package. <3

Edited to add: the vagina/vulva can have their own smell even without the sexual fluids or lubrication that happens during sexual arousal (much like your belly button or your armpit!).