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Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:23 pm
by aa
Can you hurt your clitoris masturbating? And if so what can you do to make sure it heals?

Re: masturbating

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:44 pm
by moonlight
Well the answer is yes and no. You can hurt your body doing anything. I never would have thought I could have broken a leg just by standing at the bottom of a hill, but it happened.

But in the "normal" course of masturbating, no you're probably not going to hurt your clitoris. If you feel pain, stop doing what your doing and try something else. Use common sense: fingers, a vibrator, etc= good choices for things to masturbate with. Scissors, knives and pencils= bad things to masturbate with.

As to how to heal any injury, it really depends upon the nature of the injury. The clitoris is just another part of the body, so heal it like you would any other part. Mild discomfort, "rug burn" type pain from not using enough lube, or a mild scratch because you forgot to cut your nails are things that will all likely resolve themselves. For other things, you might need to do something yourself (such as apply a cream, so long as you only apply it externally). And some extreme and unlikely injuries will require medical assistance. If you're ever in doubt about the severity of an injury it is always a good idea to see a doctor.

But, I don't want you get worried by what I've said. You probably won't hurt yourself masturbating. But like anything else, injury is always a possibility.

Re: masturbating

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:40 pm
by Redskies
Like moonlight said, you're really, really unlikely to hurt yourself masturbating. The usual tip with any kind of sex applies: if it hurts, stop.

Sometimes people need to use some extra lubricant in order to have it feel good or comfortable. Genital tissue is sensitive, so too much friction of any kind is often a bit painful. Slippery is good!

If your genital area or clitoris feels a little sore or sensitive afterwards, just be gentle with yourself and let it recover. Loose underwear and clothing is probably a good idea. And if you do have any soreness, that's a good indication that next time, your body would prefer you to go a bit easier on it and/or use more lube.

Does that answer your concerns, and is there anything else you need or you'd like to know?