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My boyfriend's mom caught him kissing me without a shirt

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:44 pm
by Aly.O
Hey there! :) My boyfriend and I are both 16, and we have a super safe, fun, awesome relationship; we've been dating for nearly fifteen months. Our families are close, plus my parents love him and his love me.

We're not allowed to be alone in my basement (bc my parents are strict) so if I'm at his house we'll sometimes hang out in his basement. I went over tonight, and we were making out, so we took our shirts off. I'm a naturally nervous person so I thought I heard a noise, and I put mine back on (even though I knew no one was there to catch us). My boyfriend left his off, and we resumed kissing for like 20 minutes, me with a shirt him shirtless. His mom came down, so he quickly tried to put on his shirt while she walked down the stairs, but I'm positive she caught him putting it on. She told us nicely to come upstairs and watch tv with his family. She didn't look mad, like she pretended she didn't see anything. His family and I talked abut the tv show for a bit, and then I went home since my mom was picking me up. I remember telling her I was tickling him and his shirt rode up, but my boyfriend said she didn't buy it. I know it could have been worse; we could have been caught with both our shirts off, but I;m terrified.

I'm so embarrassed! I don't want his parents to think of me as some floozy that has sex with their son downstairs; all we do is kiss! (I don't think they'd think of me like that since they always tell me that they like me) but can I ever go back in his basement, or better yet face his mom? :shock:

Re: My boyfriend's mom caught him kissing me without a shirt

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:25 am
by moonlight
Honestly? I think that this is just a case of "shit happens".

Many people have some kind of sex drive and some of those people choose to act on those feelings. His mother is probably someone who has first hand experience engaging in sexual acts and so she likely understands what it is like to be 16 and in a relationship.

She didn't say anything then and that makes me think that she isn't likely to bring it up again.

She might though.

If this is something that really concerns you, it is possible to bring it up with her to discuss it. Remember, sex (and making out and other sexual acts) isn't gross, dirty or wrong, so there isn't any need to be embarassed. :D

Does that help?

Re: My boyfriend's mom caught him kissing me without a shirt

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:44 am
by Aly.O
She hasn't brought it up thank god, but I think she understands we're just two teenagers exploring slowly. It might worry her but I think she has faith in us to make the right choices :) Thanks!